S1E0: Prologue

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Y/n: Life on Cybertron was once nice and calm, pity crime and illegal activities but besides that it was peaceful.....that is until the Decepticons rise up and start the war against the Autobots and now we are fighting for our lives against Megatron and his Decepticon forces as we fight for our lives. At first we were fighting to stop the rain of the Decepticons and restore peace but now.....now we're fighting in order to survive, fighting so us Autobots will survive to see a new day.....but I'm getting a feeling that some of us.......will not see that new day if this war continues.

(Planet: Cybertronian)
(Location: Iacon)
(Epic soundtrack)

We see the Autobot city capital of Iacon being invaded by the Decepticons as we see Decepticon war ships along with Seekers flying through the cities as they took out Autobot Air support as they shoot them down from the sky. Many Autobot fighters get blown up out of the sky while they battle against the seekers.

The Seekers even get blown up along with the Autobot fighters as we see both sides transformer into their robot forms while hoovering in the air and fire at each other. While the skies are filled with Autobot fighters and Seeker, down at the ground we see Decepticon troopers battleing against the Autobot troopers as both sides fire each other but they get shot left and right.

We see an Autobot commander ducked down as Decepticons start to throw grenades at their cover with a few Autobots blow up by the grenades while the Autobot commander radios in Autobot command and calls out.

Autobot commander: We're pinned down here! We need Autobot reinforcements right away!

Autobot command: (coms) Negative we have a situation just south from Zeta primes base. We can't sent in reinforcements at your location!

Autobot commander: But we need to get that Anti aircraft cannon online right now! If we don't, then those Seekers will bomb mamy Autobots in the city!

Autobot command: (coms) I'm sorry but your own your own for now. Autobot command out.

Autobot commander: No wait! Scrap!

???: Sir!

Then we see a young Autobot named Y/n make his way ti his commander and once he made it to his commander he tells him.

Then we see a young Autobot named Y/n make his way ti his commander and once he made it to his commander he tells him

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Y/n: I think I know how to get pass those Decepticons and get those cannons online.

Autobot commander: Hope you got an idea but we don't know how long until this area will be over run!

Y/n: I know but hear me out. There is a path I remember that can get me for that cannon. It maybe risky but it's our only shot.

Autobot commander:.......Okay then. Take half of my Autobot troopers and get that cannon online!

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