S2E16: The Infestation of the Grapefruit (Arc 1)

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(Middle of the ocean)

It was a beautiful day where we see Ash's Lapras swimming along side Broadside while we see mostly everyone outside and doing their thing. The pokemons play around and having fun as Ben and Pikachu are playing tag with Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Kai.

Some were relaxing while some are with their trainers. Ash and Sorrel were having their pokemon battle with Tracy being the referee with Bulkhead and Roadbuster watching. We see Misty, Verity and Arcee talking and chatting with Togepi on Mity's lap and sleeping.

Alex is seen look out of the ocean just enjoying the view while the Autobots and Wreckers are inside and doing their own thing with Whirl looking around, trying to find it and after a while managed to find it and capture it inside.

We then cut to Y/n, Springer, Rhinox and Impactor talking about the Omega keys and other things when Whirl enter and calls out.

Whirl: Guess who finally caught the most annoying pokemon ever!

He place down a glass case containing Jigglypuff as she try to get out but it was no use.

Whirl: This little bug was hard to catch but I did it. I caught it. You may thank me now.

Rhinox: Whirl was this really necessary? Jigglypuffs are the most playful and loveable pokemons.

Whirl: More like annoying! All that thing does is sign, sign and sign and putting the humans and pokemon to sleep! I still remember how stupid the song was.

Jigglypuff give him a glare which Whirl tap his claw onto the glass and tells her.

Whirl: Don't look at me! I know how annoying you are! In fact it be better off I can just kill you. (Looks up at Y/n) Captain, permission for me to kill it.

Y/n: No.

Whirl: Huh......Well since it is opposite day then you allow me to! (Aims his blaster cannon at Jigglypuff) Already on it!

Rhinox quickly gatsby Jigglypuff and after that Whirl shoot the table and leaving a hole which Broadside let's out a small groan as he felt that.

Rhinox: You just kill things that is annoying.

Whirl: Uh yes I can. I kill Decepticons that are annoy, I kill creatures that annoy me and I kill anyone who is annoying to me! So if you don't want to be on my kill list then best to not be annoying.

Y/n: Settle down Whirl we're almost there to an island. We can stretch our legs and begin our search for the Omega keys.

Whirl: Okay...........so can I-?

Y/n: No.

Whirl: Well you're not fun!

He then storm off with a huff and after he left Rhinox ask Impactor.

Rhinox: I'm starting to question why you have him on your team. He acts more like a Decepticon then an Autobot.

Impactor: He maybe crazy but there's more to him then you may think.

Rhinox: Sure.

After a while they arrived on an island which was several islands as Rhinox was the first to step out and let's Jigglypuff free as she step out and turn to Rhinox.

Rhinox: Your free now. Go, Go.

She then wonder off as Rhinox watches her go and then noticed something that interest him. He walks over to one of the trees, kneel down and scan the fruits on it.

Rhinox: Very interesting. These fruits are big. This island must be well kept.

???: Hey you!

He immediately turn to see a young girl rushing towards him with a bat and once close she glares up at him and barks at him.

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