S1E23: Rise of the Dinobots

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We see Verity taking the walk down through the halls of the Ark with her Piplub beside her as they were making their walk while Verity look around as she tells her Piplub.

Verity: (smile) Whoa this Ark just gets bigger and bigger by the minute. It feels like we've been walking for hours.

Piplub: Piplub.

Verity: (smile) Still I wonder what else this Ark holds?

Piplub wonders himself, then Piplub spotted something and race over which Verity noticed Piplub rushing off and asked Piplub.

Verity: Hey what's up?

She followed Piplub and soon she finds Piplub standing in front of a door that has a weird Autobot like symbol in front of the door as Verity catch up with her Piplub and noticed the door as well.

Verity: Huh I wonder whats behind this door?

Piplub: Piplub?

Verity walks towards the door as she stare at the door and wondering what's inside. Suddenly the two heard something that sounded like a large stomp onto the floor which made Verity and Piplub step back a bit and soon there was a growl which made both Verity and Piplub nervous.

Soon the large footsteps walk towards the door and suddenly the door opens and a very huge bot step out of the room as he look around and then look down and noticed Verity and Piplub as they stare right back at this bot.

Soon the large footsteps walk towards the door and suddenly the door opens and a very huge bot step out of the room as he look around and then look down and noticed Verity and Piplub as they stare right back at this bot

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Verity: (nervous) Uuummmmm......hi?

The bot stare at her a bit more and then he'll kneel down and gets close to Verity and Piplub as he spoke to them.

???: Wh-What are you two?

Verity: (nervous) I-I guess we never met Huh?

???: No.....we haven't.

Verity: Well my name is Verity and this is my pokemon, Piplub. What's your name?

Grimlock: My name is.....Grimlock. leader of the Dinobots.

Verity: (smile) Grimlock Huh? That sounds like a cool name.

Grimlock stare at her a bit when someone came up to them as they turn to see Y/n looking down at his data pad while he ask.

Y/n: Hey Verity and Piplub, Alex wants to know when you want to join him and Sorrel to catch some pokemon at Pallet tow-

When he look up to talk to her he stopped when he noticed Grimlock as he looked shocked while Grimlock stare at him back.

Y/n: (shocked) Well......good morning Grimlock.....did you sleep well?


We see the four at the bridge where Y/n shows Optimus prime that Grimlock is awake which pleased Optimus prime as he approaches Grimlock and grabs him by the shoulder while he tells Grimlock.

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