S2E2: New visitors

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(Junkion village)

Wreck-Gar opens the gate and allows Y/n ans his team to enter inside to his civilian. Y/n and his team enter and they were amazed that the whole village was filled with junk with the homes, bars and everything made out of junk, even the pathway is also made out of junk. Soon Junkion Cybertronians came out and see they have new visitors.

Y/n and the rest stop when they were met by Junkion Cybertronians that are staring at them and wondering who they are and why they are here while Y/n and his team stare back at them.

Y/n and the rest stop when they were met by Junkion Cybertronians that are staring at them and wondering who they are and why they are here while Y/n and his team stare back at them

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Turbospike: Huh, these are the Junkions we've heard aboit? They don't seemed to be.....a bit threating.

Madison: This is amazing.

Joshua: Yeah and it seems they are interested of us.

Y/n: Let's stay calm and let their leader speak.

Wreck-Gar step forward in front of Y/n ans his team as he make a announcement.

Wreck-Gar: Citizens of Junkion village! I Wreck-Gar have spoken to our new guests and they seek to know our peaceful civilian. Which means we have new friends!

The Junkions cheered and celebrated and soon after that we see them at the bar as Y/n's team gets along with the Junkions as we see Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel looking around as Verity takes a sniff and said.

Verity: Huh, the air seemed to be clear. I suspected this place to smell awful.

Sorrel: Well it's not as bad then we imagine it to be.

Alex: (smile) Still it's very cool to meet other Cybertronians.

Ben: (smile) [Yeah! This is great.]

We see both Wreck-Gar and Y/n sat at the bar as Y/n was given a barrel of oil which he takes a drink and then let out a few coughs.

Wreck-Gar: You never deink oil before?

Y/n: Not really but it is alright. Where did you find this?

Wreck-Gar: Humans have been leaving these weird structures with tones of these goods so we took them and they are delicious.

Y/n: I think you took this from a abandon fualing factory. Still how did you and your people end up here?

Wreck-Gar: Now that's a long tale to talk about. You have time?

Y/n: Sure, tell us.

Wreck-Gar: (smile) Brilliant! I believe it all started many years ago. Me and my people were just enjoying our peaceful lives, gathering scrap parts and building new people. But that's when this huge purple ship appear over head. At first we thought it was a ship to pour out new junk parts but then they immediately open fired at us. We took cover and then these soldiers came down and start attacking us. And so we started the Junk Wars. We fought our aggressive invaders for years until we managed to defeat them and took over their ship. Our planet was all but destroyed so we decided to find a new home and soon we ended up here and build our new home here.

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