S1E29: Kanto Grand festival (Arc 6 final) (Season 1 Final)

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(Indigo Plateau city)

Trypticon continues his destruction over the city while battling Omega Supreme as he fire beams at anything with some hitting Omega Suprem while crushing any buildings as he let out a roar. We then see Bumblebee, Zero, Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel arrived near Trypticon and managed to find a hole that Alex and his friends can get through so Zero grabs them and leaps up onto Trypticon and climb up to the hole and once there Zero has them enter the hole and soon they were inside.

They look around to see parts moving around them as well as steam burning out of it. Alex and the others slowly move through within Trypticon's body, trying to make theie way to get into the core.

Meanwhile Trypticon fires his beams at Omega Supreme which he blocks the incoming shocks and then fired several cannons around his body and open fire at Trypticon which hits him. The blast cost a shake within Trypticon while Alex and the others were climbing and Verity lost her grip and fell but immediately Sorrel catched her hand on time.

Sorrel: Hang on!

Verity: (smile) Thanks Sorrel.

Alex: You okay?

Sorrel and Alex helps Verity grab something and once that she nodes and they continue to climb up and soon they made it to the core. It was bright to them as they nearly shut there eyes due to how bright it is but it died down a but so they can see it.

Alex: Guess that must be Trypticon's spark.

Sorrel: Let's hurry and destroy it!

Verity: Right!

They all summon all of their pokemons out of their pokeballs and Ben joined in with the other pokemon.

Alex: Okay everyone let's end this battle once and for all! Give everything you got and destroy Trypticon's spark!

All of their pokemons use every attack they have got and their attacks hits Trypticon's spark as they continue to deal some damages to Trypticon's spark.

Trypticon starts to yell in pain as he stumble backwards and detected something attacking his spark.

Trypticon: What's going on?! I feel my spark is being attacked!

Omega Supreme: Decepticon Trypticon, distracted. Power level, draining. Chance to destroy Trypticon!

Omega Supreme fired a large beam at Trypticon which hits him, making him stumble backwards whioe he let's out a roar at Omega Supreme and was about to attack him back but he groans and soon yell while within Ben and the other pokemon launched a final attack and managed to destroy Trypticon's spark and everything around them starts to shut down and blowing up.

Alex: Let's get out of here!

They make their way out as they race through within Trypticons body and soon a hole blows up, revealing their exit as they turn back and a wave of purple flames was racing towards them so with no choice they all leap out of Trypticon and fall in a high place.

They didn't have time to summon their flying pokemon so they brace for impact but then Jetfire fly by and transform into bot form and catch them.

Jetfire: (smirk) You kids alright? That was some fall.

They node while Jetfire smiled amd turn as they see Trypticon blowing up everywhere and letting out a roar before falling forward and crash hard onto thr ground and gose offline.

Jetfire lands on the ground and sets Alex and the others down just as Bumblebee and Zero drive over and once they turn into their bit form Bumblebee tells them.

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