S1E18: Mewtwo strikes (Arc 3)

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(Location: New Island's cloning lab)

Knockout is seen in the cloning lab and making sure that everything is in working order as he gose through the cloning machine's programming and systems while we see Jessie, James and Meowth sat around behind Knockout and board out of their minds while Knockout continues working when James ask.

James: Man I'm board. There is nothing to do.

Meowth: Yeah I'm glad we have a base and all but I feel like we have been here for a long while.

Jessie: Yeah this sucks.

Knockout: You three be quiet! I'm working on some glitches and making sure this is working properly. I just need to find some pokemon to Clone.

Meowth: Well good luck with that (yawn) because this Meowth is gonna get some shut eye.

Knockout turns to Meowth and a smirk appear on his face as he grabs Meowth which cost him to wake up and walk him close to the machine and stick Meowth into the cloning machine.

James ans Jessie: Meowth!

Meowth: Hey what do you think your doing! Ow!

Then Knockout pulled move him away of the machine and tossed him away which Jessie and James catch him while Knockout walks over to the controls.

James: Are you okay?

Meowth: I think that machine took a bit of my fur.

Knockout: (smirk) Looks like it's working.

They turn and sees a image of Meowth on the screen and soon something came through the tub above them and then a cloned Meowth appear in the cryo chamber.

James: (shocked) It worked!

Knockout: (smirk) Indeed. Now we just need to wait for more pokemons to come down here and we will have pur pokemon cloned army.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Knockout: (smirk) And speaking of which, there they came.

Then capture pokeball drones came down through the slide and land onto the conveyor belt as the converyor belt moved towards the cloning machine and all the capture pokeball drones were inside the machine as the machine takes the pokemons DNA's and clones them.

Soon more and more cloned pokemons appeared into cryo chambers while Jessie, James, Meowth Knockout watched this happen.

Suddenly a sound came from the slide as they turned and sees Ash landed onto the converyor belt .

Jessie, James and Meowth: (Shocked) The Twerp!

Ash: Team Rocket! I got no time for you!

Knockout: How dare you human! (Turns his arm to chainsaw) I'll cut you!

He charge towards Ash and swings his chainsaw but he dodges it and rushes to one of the capture pokeball drones as he leap into the machine and grab it.

Knockout: Hey get out of there!

Ash grabs old the pokeball drone while claws come out around him and grappling him and soon they got Pikachu's DNA and start to clone him.

Soon the cloning machine start to make some loud noise which cost it to blow up as Knockout and Team Rocket were sent flying back while Ash lands hard onto his back. He rolls to his stomach just as the capture pokeball drone opens and Pikachu is freed as he appears in front of Ash.

Ash: Pikachu!

Pikachu turns and smiles as he rush over and the two hugged. While that's going on Knockout gets up and walks towards the two as with his chainsaw still on his hand as he swings at them but they dodged and moved out of the way.

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