S1E19: Mewtwo strikes (Arc 4 final)

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(Millions of years ago)
(Planet: Cybertron)
(Location: Iacon)

Living in the most highest tower in all of Cybertron, we see a young Cybertronian standing on the balcony and looking at the veiw of the planet as he continues to stare at the veiw and then he turns and enters to his room as he sat down in front of the monitor and he stare at himself as we can see his reflection as he turns on his computer and type something in.

Living in the most highest tower in all of Cybertron, we see a young Cybertronian standing on the balcony and looking at the veiw of the planet as he continues to stare at the veiw and then he turns and enters to his room as he sat down in front o...

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Soon he finished typing on something and soon he press on it and a Cybertron news plays as it shows a battle arena against two Cybertronians as they battle each other while the crowd cheers for them. The young Cybertronian watched until he heard a knock at his door so he stand up and walks over and he open the door to see a female Cybertron which she give him a smile and said.

 The young Cybertronian watched until he heard a knock at his door so he stand up and walks over and he open the door to see a female Cybertron which she give him a smile and said

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Elita-One: (smile) Hello there Orion.

Orion: (smile) Hey Elita, what are you doing here?

Elita-One: (smile) Here to see you silly. (Enter the room) So how is things?

Orion: (close the door) Pretty good. I was actually being teacher by Alpha Trion.

Elita-One: (surprised) Wait seriously?! Alpha Trion? You? No way.

Orion: It's true! I was surprised as well but when I told him my knowledge about the primes and Cybertron's history, he told me that he'll be teaching me more and have me as his personal assistant.

Elita-One: (smile) Whoa look at you being Alpha Trion's personal assistant. I told you one day something great will come.

Orion: (chuckle) Yeah I guess so Elita.

Then Elita-One walks up to Orion and then kissed him on the lips which Orion blushed in surprised but kiss her back and soon the two stop kissing and look at each other as Elita-One smiled and tell him.

Elita-One: (smile) I'm so proud of you Orion. One day...you will make Cybertron better.

Orion: (smile) Yeah.....as long your with me Elita....we will succeed this together.

Elita-One smiled and the two hugged while the computer behind them continues to play as we cut to the battle arena as we see a familiar Cybertronian slaying a Cybertronian as the Cybertronian fell onto thr grounr while the announcer called out.

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