S1E17: Mewtwo strikes (Arc 2)

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(10 house ago)
(Unknown area)

Ash, Pikachu, Misty, Togepi, Brock, Hot Rod, Jazz, Sideswipe and Bumblebee are seen taking a nice break in a open feild near the ocean in the distances as we see the gang doing their usual stuff. Brock, Misty and Ash set up the table and set up a nice fire to make some soup. After they got set up we see Ash sitting down at a chair hungry, Misty set down the plats for them while Hot Rod, Jazz, Sideswipe and Bumblebee play around with their pokemon.

Ash: (sigh) I'm so hungry I can't move another muscle.

Misty: Oh come on Ash.

Brock: Misty. You have to let it simmer slowly until it's just right. You can't rush stew, or pokemon, for that matters.

Misty: Oh.

Hot Rod: (walks over to them) So is this you humans usual do while travelling? I was suspected for some action.

Brock: (smile) Usual the actions will find it's way to us.

Hot Rod: Sounds boring. I rather seek actions rather then sitting around and doing nothing.

Jazz: (smirk) That explains why you were captured by Decepticons back on Cybertron?

Hot Rod: (smirk) Hey at least I have some action then sitting around and doing nothing.

Misty: (smile) You act just like Ash.

Hot Rod and Ash: We do?

Misty shakes her head and soon they started to eat while the Autobots stand around. Sideswipe is looking around when he spotted something flying towards them.

Sideswipe: Hey guys we got something heading towards us.

Bumblebee: Any idea what it could be?

Ash: Are they Decepticons?

Sideswipe: Too small but it's coming really fas-

Suddenly something zoom by them follow by a strong wind that blow away their food onto the floor while a pokemon is revealed to be Dragonite as he turns and flaps over to them.

Hot Rod: What is that?

Brock: That's a Dragonite.

Charizard gets mad and fires flamethrower at Dragonite which Ash immediately summons Charizard back to his pokeball.

Misty: (laughter) Charizard never changes.

Bumblebee: (smile) Guess so.

Jazz: Hey looks like it's handing out something?

Dragonite pulls out what seems like a letter to Ash which they take. They gather around and suddenly it open up a hologram of a mysterious women as she said.

???: (message) Please forgive this surprise message from a stranger.

Jazz: Huh who is she?

Brock: No idea but she's beautiful!

???: (message) You have been acknowledged as up-and-coming trainers. As such, you are invited to a party held by my master, the world's greatest pokemon trainer.

Bumblebee: World's greatest pokemon trainer? I've never heard something like that.

Sideswipe: Me neither. I have a bad feeling about this.

???: (message) The Location? Pokemon Palace, on New Island. (Shows hologram coordinations) We ask that you RSVP, whether attending or not, by checking the box on the return card. The greatest pokemon trainer alive invites you. We beg you to accept.

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