Blaster (Spotlight)

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We see Ironhide, Prowl and Sunstreaker working within the Ark's bridge and looking down at the computer screens as they go through their normal day at the Ark when they got a transmission from someone as Ironhide was the first to see it so he radios up Optimus prime.

Ironhide: Prime, we got a transmission from someone.

Optimus prime: (radio) On my way.

Seconds later the door opens and Optimus Prime step into the bridge and walk up to Ironhide, Prowl and Sunstreaker as he ask them.

Optimus prime: What is the situation to report?

Ironhide: It seems we have a transmission from someone from someone.

Prowl: It seems like a human scientist is calling us.

Optimus prime: Very well then. Open the screen.

Then a screen above them open to reveal a scientist as he sees the Autobots and called out in a cheerful tone.

???: (screen) Oh thank goodness. I never thought you would answer. You must listen otherwise we are all doomed.

Optimus prime: Understood. Tell us your name and your reason of calling us?

Dr. Akihabara: (screen) My name is Dr. Akihabara and I'm the scientist of the pokemon transfer system where I'm responsible of transmit pokemons across the world.

Optimus prime: Very interesting but what seems to be the problem?

Dr. Akihabara:  (screen) Well I got a report that trainers were not received their pokemon. At first we thought it was a glitch but when we check for the pokemons within the transfer system, its gone! We believe someone or something must have hacked into our system and stealing the pokemons within the system.

Ironhide: And you call us because?

Dr. Akihabara: (screen) This my involve of a Decepticon so I've managed to contact you but you must help me!

Optimus prime: This seems troublesome. Do not fear, I know one bot that can help you.

Dr. Akihabara: (screen) Thank you. Whoever this bot is I'm sure he will help me.

(Dr. Akihabara's lab)

A ground bridge open and then Blaster came through as he look around at Dr. Akihabara's massive lab while Dr. Akihabara was on the catwalk as Blaster sees him.

Blaster: Yo what's happening? Hear you could use some help with your friendly radio dj Blaster!

Dr. Akihabara: Indeed, I'm so glad you came! Hurry, we have no time to lose, see that large wire attached to that machine.

Blaster turns and sees it as he picks it up and looks at it while Dr. Akihabara tells him.

Dr. Akihabara: Plug that into the back of your head and you will be sent into Cyber space, where you will meet my pokemon partner there.

Blaster: Is that so? Well then, time for me to go on an awesome adventure.

He sat down and plug the wire into the back of the head and he goes into the machine which sent him into cyber space while Dr. Akihabara hopes he will complete his mission before it is too late.

(Cyber space)

Blaster exits out of the Cyber like tunnel and was amazed to see Cyber space as he look around in amazement as he sees data and information being going around him as he said.

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