S2E5: Gym's secrets

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(Mikan island)

We see Broadside still in his military ship and being docked as everyone inside waited while Y/n, Turbospike, Zero, Ironfist, Leadfoot and Standstorm were in their vehicle modes and driving through the street and inside of Y/n's vehicle mode was Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel as they were looking out of the window, seeing the island's beauty.

Ben: [This is very amazing place!]

Alex: (smile) Yeah I've never been to an island before so this is really cool.

Verity: (smile) You know I really wish you could come across an island that has beautiful trees, a nice lake and no one but us to have some fun.

Sorrel: Well maybe we can but first we need to locate the second Omega key first.

Y/n: Right so stay alert and not draw any attention to ourselves.

Turbospike: Roger that.

They continue on driving through the road while Leadfoot, Sandstorm and Ironfist talk among each other.

Leadfoot: Man who knew driving calmly without action is pretty boring.

Ironfist: Yeah it may seem boring but we need to be patient and not cost too much trouble.

Sandstorm: Yeah and besides it's not all that bad. I mean this island is pretty nice. Maybe there is more islands that is even better then this.

Leadfoot: Not much of a fan of beautiful islands you know.

After a while they finally arrived at their location as Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel climb out of Y/n while the four look aat something in front of them, pause for a moment and Alex ask.

Alex: Um isn't this a gym?

It was indeed a gym as Y/n was confused by this.

Y/n: That's weird. It says the second Omega lock is here but it's only a gym.

Sorrel: Perhaps we need to look inside to find it.

Verity: Maybe.

???: Hey there!

They look over to see a female gym leader waving towards the at the entrance of the gym and then make her way towards them.

???: Are you three here to challenge me? Well, you came to the right place.

Alex: Oh no sorry we didn't came for a gym battle.

???: Gym battle? We don't do gym battles here at the Orange islands.

Verity: You don't?

???: Nope. We do challenges to trainers to take on. Some do battling but others rather wanna see trainers team work with their pokemon.

Alex: Well we didn't came here for that one as well.

???: Really? Then why are you all here then?

Ben: [We're looking for an ancient Cybertronian artifac-

???: (shocked) Wow! Did your eevee just talked?!

Alex: (smile) Oh yeah. He has a voice translator that allows us to understand while we can understand him. But back to what Ben was saying, we are here to search for an artifact known as an Omega key.

???: Omega key huh? Never heard something about that. Still why are you four looking for it and why come here?

Y/n: Because we believe its somewhere in your gym.

Suddenly they transform in front of the gym leader, shocking her and understand what is going on as she sees the Cybertronians behind Alex and the others.

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