S2E7: Rogue pokemon (Arc 1)

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(Mandarin Island North docks)

Y/n, his team, Impactor and his Wreckers team made it to Mandain Island North just to fill up some supplies as Broadside make his docking and once that we see Y/n, Alex, Ben, Verity, Sorrel, Whirl, Impactor and Springer exiting out of Broadside as Whirl straight his arms and legs.

Whirl: By the all spark it feels good finally being at shore.

Springer: (smile) You can say that again. (Turns tonthe city) Looks like we docked in a city.

Impactor: Looks like it. (Turns to Y/n) So what's 5he plan here?

Y/n: I'll take Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel to the city to get some supplies while the rest stay here. We won't be long.

Whirl: Oh come on!

Alex: (smile) Well maybe next time Whirl.

Whirl: This sucks. We have been travelling through the sea for days and we haven't encountered anything that I, Whirl want to fight!

Random citizen: (distance) Hey stop! What are you doing?!

They all turn to see two citizens backing off while a group of pokemons were walking towards them, almost like they are about to attack them.

Whirl: Finally some action!

Y/n: Looks like trouble! Come on guys!

Alex: Right! Let's go Ben!

Ben: [Right!]

They rush over so they can stop whatever is going on. Ben was running with them when he immediately stopped dead in his tracks and froze while Alex noticed and turn to him.

Alex: Ben? You okay buddy?

Then the rest turn and notice Ben not moving as Ben was looking down at the ground and then he look up at them, glaring at them in deep hatred in his eyes.

Alex: Ben? What's with that look? Buddy?

Springer: What's wrong with Ben?

Whirl: Probably not working properly. Maybe I will fix it.

Whirl walks over to Ben onky for Ben to quickly disappeared from sight and appear behind them which they turn and suddenly use sand attack on them which they step back for a moment.

Alex: Ben! What are you doing!

Ben slowly walks back and then joins up with the other pokemons as Ben use sand attack and sand cover them while Alex rushes towards Ben but he was gone.

Alex was stunned by this as he look around but Ben was gone. He then collapse onto his knees while Whirl asked.

Whirl: What in the spark was that for?!

Impactor: No idea but something tells me this ain't right.

???: Y/n!

Y/n turn and to his surprise to see Hot Rod, Jazz and Bumblebee driving up to them and then transform into their bot forms and rushed over to them.

Y/n: (surprised) Hot Rod, Jazz, Bee, its been a long while.

Hot Rod: (smirk) You know it man. (Noticed the wreckers) Wow! Your with the Wreckers?!

Jazz: (surprised) I thought there was none.

Bumblebee: (surprised) Wow they are soo cool!

Whirl: Thanks. I know I'm great.

Y/n: Can someone tell us what just happened here?

Hot Rod: Well first off this ain't the pokemons fault. If there is more in yoru ship, then we need all the help we can get.

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