S2E12: The legend of the crystal Onix

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(Middle of the ocean)

We see the Autobots within Broadside as they travel to the next island to search for another Omega key along side team Hot Rod. We see Team Hot Rod and everyone else relaxing as the humans pokemons play around and having fun.

We see Tracey doing a drawing of Whirl as he make some poses while Tracey draws them.

We see Tracey doing a drawing of Whirl as he make some poses while Tracey draws them

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Whirl: How's about this one! I called it "The cool Autobot!"

Tracey: (nervous smile) Looks....Great.

Then Y/n walks over to the two as he let out a soft chuckle while he tells Tracey.

Y/n: (smile) Your drawings are really good Tracey. Have you been doing this a long time?

Tracey: (smile) Yep. I've been drawing pokemon for a long time but get to draw Cybertronian is very interesting.

Y/n: (smile) I heard that a lot.

Whirl: Can you draw me now? I don't know how long I can take.

Tracey: Whoops, sorry!

Y/n smiled and turn to see Zero standing at the edge of the ocean which concerned him a bit as Ironfist approaches him.

Ironfist: We're approaching to our next island.

Y/n: That's good.

Ironfist: (Turns to Zero) Is he okay?

Y/n: Not sure. He's acting weird ever since we visited Mandarin island north.

Ironfist: Huh wonder why?

Y/n: Who knows. (Turns to Ironfist) What island is this one?

Ironfist: Sunburst island. What team are you taking?

Y/n: My team, Arcee and Hot Rods team will go there. We'll call you guys if we needed help.

Ironfist: Roger that.

Soon they arrived to the island and once dock both team Hot Rod and Team Y/n transform into their vehicle forms and enter the town. Ash, Misty, Pikachu, Togepi and Tracey where within Hot Rod while Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel were within Y/n's as they drove through town seeing a market place filled with crystal statues as they stop and the humans and pokemon suspect the crystal statues up close.

Misty: (smile) Whoa look at all of them. Their so pretty.

Turbospike: Huh I didn't know human can make crystal statues.

Sorrel: A lot of people made these crystals and sell them to the market or place them in museums if they are really interested to everyone.

Turbospike: Huh cool.

Arcee: I can see why, they are all so beautiful. I bet Springer would like one?

Y/n: How's it hanging up there Joshua?

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