The Wreckers (Spotlight)

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(Planet: Cybertron)
(Location: Iacon)

Within the dying Planet of Cybertron, we see nothing but what's left of Decepticon forces patrolling the streets of Iacon, hunting down any remaining Autobots that was left behind to continue to battle as the Decepticon forces kill them on site and continue on moving after that.

Most Autobots turn to hiding and trying to find a way to leave Cybertron and regroup with any other Autobots that were out there in the galaxy. Among the Autobots we see an Autobots Wrecker named Springer making rushing through the alleyways of Iacon, dodging Decepticon seekers ans drop ships as he blend in within the darkness and checking his back.

Soon he reach the exit out of the alleyway as he lend his back against the wall and peak over his head to see Decepticon troopers rounding up Autobot troopers and kneeling them down in the middle of the street bedore they were each killed one by one, executing them for their crimes against the Decepticon cost.

Springer wishes to help them but had no choice but to leave the area before he was spotted. Soon after he left the alleyway from another exit, a spot light hits him over him as he looked up see a Decepticon drop ship over head as they spotted him.

 Soon after he left the alleyway from another exit, a spot light hits him over him as he looked up see a Decepticon drop ship over head as they spotted him

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Springer: Scrap!

He transformed into his Cybertronian vehicle and he speed off, trying to lose them while the Decepticon drop ship opens up and three Decepticon seekers leap out while transform into jets and fly after him.

They open fire at him as Springer dodges the incoming bolts as he turn to different roads, trying to get away from them. The seekers were still on his tail as they continue to fire at them. One of them have a lock on amd fired a humming missile at Springer which he sees. He quickly stopped, transform into his bot form as he reach into his back and immediately pulled out his sword as he slice the missile in half which cost an explosion behind Springer.

Then he race towards the three seekers as he immediately transform into his Cybertronian helicopter form, surprising the three seekers that he is a triple changer while Springer fired his machine guns at them, taking out two seekers with one fly by him as he turn back around and fired both missiles which immediately hit the seekers and blow up the Decepticon seeker.

Springer: Take that.

He fly down to the ground and changed his helicopter ti ground vehicle mode and race back to base to report on his leader.

(10 cycles later)

He arrived at Iacon's underground sewer where a elite task force called the Wreckers are at as Springer transform into his bot form and walk by a few Wreckers that greet him back. A lot of Wreckers were forced to hide underground after the Decepticons forces have took over Iacon and had no choice bit to survive until they have a plan to retake Iacon.

However they have lost a lot of Wreckers for years and all hope of taking back Iacon seemed to be dying by the minute. At the control room we see Impactor talking to Bulkhead about the repairs of the ship as Impactor as Bulkhead tells Impactor the problem they have when Springer enters the room.

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