S2E10: Rogue pokemon (Arc 4 final)

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(10 years ago)
(Valley Green City)

It was a peaceful day at the neighbourhood when we see a car driving a bit fast through the neighbourhood as we cut to a man looking like he is in a panic as he thinks that he will be late. Soon he managed to arrived to where he should be as he pqrk his car, grab the things at the back and rush over to what looked like a nice house as the man who looked like a scientist burst into the door.

He was breathing heavily as he looks up and then called out with a tired like tone.

He was breathing heavily as he looks up and then called out with a tired like tone

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??? 1: (breathing heavily) I'm......Home! (Sigh) oh my.

???: Daddy! Daddy!

Then a familiar young boy race over to his father and then hug his leg which he smiled as he kneel down while he pat him on the head with a friendly smile on his face.

??? 1: (Smile) Hey there son, sorry if I was late but I made it. Did I miss it?

He then look up at his father with a smile as we can see that it is Alex as a young boy as he smiled and tells him.

Alex: (smile) Your not late Daddy, welcome home.

??? 1: (smile) I'm glad I made it on time.

??? 2: Yeah otherwise your father here would will his ears pulled by me.

His father froze in fear as the two turn to see Alex's mother who is standing in front of him and looking down at him as he stood up.

His father froze in fear as the two turn to see Alex's mother who is standing in front of him and looking down at him as he stood up

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??? 2: Jake, I told you studying slowpokes was a bad idea. Who knows how long you were studying.

Jake: (nervous chuckle) Yeah I guess you were right, I'm sorry Penelop, it won't happen again.

Penelop: Hope not. Anyways its all ready.

Alex: (smile) Yay! Come on, come on!

Jake chuckled as they head to the living room to see the living room was filled with Birthday decorations as this is Alex's birthday and they are celebrating his birthday. Logen was apart of the party as he help out Penelop to make the cake.

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