S2E11: From scientist to soldier

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(Decepticon base)

At Megatrons thrown room we see Shockwave information Megatron of his machines destruction by the Autobots which angers Megatron that the Autobots yet again ruined their plan to control the pokemons against the humans while Starscream smirks hile standing next to Megatron as he telle Shockwave.

Starscream: (smirk) And you say a pokemon resistant the control? And here I thought you were smart but I guess you didn't see that one coming.

Shockwave: This pokemon I speak off has a strong mind to resist its control.

Megatron: Enough. Return back to your lab Shockwave and the next invention you made, do not disappoint me with it.

Shockwave: (bow) As you wish, Lord Megatron.

He soon leaves the throne room and as soon he opens the door, he was met by Jessie, James and Meowth which he glare at them and then walk off just as Soundwave enter the throne room and then tells Megatron.

Soundwave: Lord Megatron, received communication from the Combaticons that they needed back up at their location. Their ship has been damaged and they needed some assistance.

Megatron: (growl in anger) Has no one will not please me for something around here!

Starscream: Lord Megatron how's about you sent me to assist the Combaticons on their mission. Its obvious enough that five Decepticons will be impossible of hunting down the Omega locks. Allow me to aid the Combaticons and I will make you proud.

Megatron: Fine Starscream but fail me and I will scrap you soo much that you will be in stasis lock for 100 years!

Starscream: (bows) As you wish, Lord Megatron.

He then leaves with Jessie, James and Meowth following behind as they reach the elevator and once the door close in front of them the elevator goes down.

Meowth: So how are we gonna find the rest of the Omega keys?

Starscream: (smirk) I have ways to locate the Omega keys before the Autobots can get to them first. After all I have studied the ancient history's of Cybertronian technology and artifacts that the primes made millions of years ago.

Jessie: Studied? Are you some sort a researcher?

Starscream: Technically a scientist. You see I wasn't always a soldier before the war. I was once a scientist on Cybertron and worked along side many scientist and researchers. One of which was Jetfire, he was my friend before the war and we work together studying the past of Cybertron and the primes. But when the war started we've gone our separate ways.

Jessie: So why did you join the Decepticons?

Starscream: (smirk) Simple. The Decepticons have potential of winning the war however with Megatron leading them, we will never succeed. That's why I join the Decepticons, so I can overthrow Megatron and lead the Decepticons into victory.

Meowth: Well good luck with that.

Starscream: You should do the same to your boss.

Jessie, James and Meowth: Huh?

Starscream: You also overthrow your Team Rocket leader and be bosses of your own.

Jessie, James ans Meowth: (shocked) No way!

Jessie: (shocked) We can't just overthrow our boss and take over! That's treason!

James: That's right! Besides we would never dared to betray our boss!

Meowth: Meowth, that's right?

Starscream: (chuckle) You three are such soo weak. If you were like me then you should know that it's better backstabbing anyone who seems to get in the way then letting them tell you what to do. Trust me, you'll be better once you do.

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