S1E22: Finding out the spy

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(Nemesis, bridge)

We see Megatron as he gathered Shockwave, Soundwave and Starscream to the bridge alone for a meeting about something very important to discuss. Once the trio are gathered at the bridge, Megatron is seen facing the window of the bridge until he turns around and then tells them.

Megatron: Glad that all three of you have came in short notice. I have gather you all here is because I believed there is a spy among us and have been leaking information to the Autobots. We will not allow this spy to leak any more information to the Autobots, we must find this spy before it is too late.

Starscream: (smirk) An Autobot spy on this ship? Ha! No other Autobots will not dare to try to sneak their way info this ship.

Soundwave: Then explain how the Autobots know out plan and how did they get to New Island's without us knowing.

Starscream: I don't know. Probably got lucky?

Megatron: You be wise to come up with better ideas Starscream.

Shockwave: Lord Megatron I have done scans throughout the ship and it doesn't detected any Autobots on this ship. The only singals of any Autobots are those at the prison cells. I have sent my insecticons to interrogate them but it seems they are telling the truth.

Megatron: Then that means this spy has an ability to change from Autobot to Decepticon.

Starscream: That's impossible.

Megatron: I know that Starscream but we need to locate this spy by any means necessary. If you wish to not believe me then I'm asigned you of finding this spy and bring him to me once you do.

Starscream: (smirk) Do not worry lord Megatron. I will gather my seekers and-

Megatron: No! Your Seekers maybe one of the spies. I cannot trust any Decepticons until I find out who is the spy.

Starscream: So i guessing I will be working with Shockwave and Soundwave?

Megatron: No. Shockwave will have his insecticons continue to interrogate the Autobot prisons while Soundwave will stay here and keep an eye of communications on the Nemesis.

Starscream: Well how do we know the insecticons ain't the traitors?

Shockwave: I have created the insecticons with simple minded creatures. They are easy to give orders to and they will never dare to betray us unless we didn't give them energon.

Starscream: Then who I'm I teaming up with then?

Megatron: I think I know who.

Starscream: You mean......oh no.

(Starscream's quarters)

Jessie, James ans Meowth were at Starscream's quarters as Starscream turns on his computer and searches through the Decepticons files to find the possible traitors while the trio's stomachs growled in hunger as James says.

James: Man I haven't eaten for a long while.

Meowth: Yeah, say screamer do you have any good foods on this ship?

Starscream: Don't call me that and the onky supplies we have gotten are energon.

James: Do you have pizza or hotdogs?

Starscream: You talking to a gaint robot with no organic stuff inside of their bodies.

James: Man this sucks.

Jessie: And board. How are we gonna find the spy if there is a thousand Decepticons on board.

Starscream: Well if you three be quiet! I might find something. Ah, there we go.

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