S2E8: Rogue pokemon (arc 2)

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(Mandrain Island North)
(Decepticon base)

We see Shockwave, Soundblaster, Knockout, Cassidy and Butch as they are in Shockwave's as Shockwave contacts Megatron through the screen and after a while Megatron appeared on the screen.

Megatron: (screen) Shockwave, report.

Shockwave: Lord Megatron the machine is working as I planned. Now all we need to do is to upgrade the machine and this islands pokemon will belong to us and also our new allies.

Megatron: (screen) I see. Very good Shockwave, how many pokemons have you managed to capture?

Butch: (smirk) 68 pokemons sir and we must say we are impress of your technology.

Cassidy: (smirk) Indeed. Thanks to your technology, Team Rocket will be unstoppable with our allies.

Megatron: (screen) Do not blind yourself Cassidy and Bob.

Butch: It's Butch sir.

Megatron: (screen) There is still the threat of the Autobots and their human alliance.

Shockwave: That maybe true Lord Megatron however, without their pokemons on their side and the whole pokemons in the city under our control, the chances of them winning is down to 43%.

Knockout: (smirk) Not to mention this base is very well hidden so they will not suspect a thing.

Butch: Except Jessie and James are out there. They may screw it up.

Knockout: (smirk) Those two would never think about working with those pathetic fools Bill. Even if they lost their pokemons, there is no way they will work with them.

Butch: (sigh) For the last time it's Butch.

Megatron: (screen) Still maintain control over the situation and report back to me as soon as possible.

Shockwave: (bows) As you wish Lord Megatron.

The screen call ends and then Shockwave turns to Knockout and tells him.

Shockwave: Order the Decepticon troopers to be ready to transport the pokemons.

Knockout: You got it. (Walks out of the room)

Shockwave: (Turns to Soundblaster) Soundblaster, maintain communication from the police and city cameras. We need eyes for any new pokemons that stumble into this city.

Soundblaster: Sure thing Shockwave. (Turns and leaves the room)

Shockwave: (looks down as Butch and Cassidy) Butch, Cassidy check on the pokemon and the machine, we do not need any malfunctions just in case. (Walks out of the room.

Cassidy: (smirk) You got it.

Butch: (angry) And for the last time I am bu-(Realising) Oh wait he got it right.

Cassidy: Just shut up Buzz and let's go. (Leaves the room)

Butch: (angry while leaving the room) Oh come on! Why does people get my name wrong, the names Butch! BUTCH!

We cut to Shockwave walking down a hallway until he come across a door and opens it and step inside and there were three insecticons in their bug forms and eating energon on the floor and when they noticed Shockwave enter the room the three transform into bot forms.

We cut to Shockwave walking down a hallway until he come across a door and opens it and step inside and there were three insecticons in their bug forms and eating energon on the floor and when they noticed Shockwave enter the room the three transf...

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