Team Hot Rod (Spotlight)

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(Unknown location)

We see blue skies with clouds all around as we see a few flying pokemon flying through the air and enjoying themselves as they fly peaceful. Everything was nice until parts start to fall from the sky and all of a sudden a Decepticon Frigate is going down while flames can be seen at the thrusters as well as a few explosions around the ship as the Decepticon frigate is going down.

Soon it breaks through the clouds and making it's crash onto an unknown island which soon after the Decepticon frigate makes a rough landing as it crashes within the forest on the island. The Decepticon Frigate stops after going through tones of trees and rest in the middle of nowhere in the forest.

We then cut to a close hatch as the hatch blows open with a explosion and lands onto the ground and the first bot came out was Hot Rod as he climb out of the frigate and look around to see they were in the middle of the forest.

Hot Rod: (smirk) See, I told you I can land this ship perfectly.

Soon Sideswipe climb out of the ship with a sigh as he tells Hot Rod as he stood next to him.

Sideswipe: Yeah after you accidentally shoot the controls to the ships thrusters which resulted an explosion that shut down the whole ship.

Hot Rod: Hey at least we're alive right?

Sideswipe just shake his head while Jazz and Bumblebee came out with Ash, Pikachu, Misty and Togepi being helped by Bumblebee as he get them off the ship.

Bumblebee: You all alright?

Ash: Yeah thanks.

Misty: (smile) Your the best bee.

Bumblebee: (smile) No problem.

Jazz: So where are we?

They look around to see nothing but trees as Hot Rod says in a confident tone.

Hot Rod: (smile) Well.......I think we're stranded.


Hot Rod: Relax Misty. Maybe Brock might know where we are. Say, where is Brock?

Jazz: Um don't you remember? He's staying with Professor Ivy as her assistant.

Hot Rod: Oh yeah I remember now. Well then, has team leader we must explore this unknown island and find out what it is.

Ash: So basically we have to live here for the rest of our lives?

Hot Rod: (smile) Probably but it could be fun.

Sideswipe: Well while you all do that, I'll see what I could find inside. Hopefully we can sent a SOS to the Ark for a ground bridge.

Bumblebee: Good luck Sideswipe.

Jazz: And stay safe.

Sideswipe: Will do.

Hot Rod: Alright Team Hot Rod, let's go!

(Hours later)

They have been walking for a while and they haven't spotted any humans nor pokemon for a long time. They search around but there is no sign of anything what so far.

Misty: My feet is starting to hurt.

Togepi: Togepi?

Bumblebee: I'll transform into my vehicle form and you four can rest inside of me.

He transform into his vehicle form and let's Ash, Pikachu, Misty and Togepi inside while Jazz pulls up a holo-map and it shows nothing.

Jazz: This island is completely unknown. I may fear we never get out of here.

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