S2E19: Team Rocket did something!?

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(Unknown island)

We see Starscream's ship being parked near a island as it is doing some repairs of the ship all awhile we cut to Starscream at the bridge with the Combaticons as Starscream glares at them with a disappointing look and then he goes on to say.

Starscream: You Combaticons are suppose to be the most elite force within the Decepticons and yet you were defeated by a fat, lazy, stupid pokemon!

Vortex: Well at least we did our jobs unlike you.

Starscream: (mad) You watch your tone there Vortex.

Onslaught: This will not happen again I can ensure you that.

Starscream: I hope so. If you five fail me again then you will kiss your butt's goodbye!

With that they leave the bridge as we then cut to Team Rocket, Thundercracker, Skywarp and Slipstream as Skywarp is drinking some Energon and after he was done he lays back and says with a sigh.

Skywarp: I'm so board.

Meowth: Tell me about it. We get defeated every day by those bots.

James: I know if I get sent blasting off one more time then who knows what bones that might break.

Thundercracker: So how do you guys managed to survive while being blast off?

Skywarp: Yeah now I think about it no way humans wouldn't never survive explosions or falls like what you three been through.

Jessie: Luck but that's not the worse part. The worse part is being told off from our boss.

James: Don't remind me. The boss is never happy when we fail.

Slipstream: Yeah it sucks being boss around by a human that all he does is sitting around and do nothing.

Skywarp: Slipstream has a point there. Your boss doesn't seem to do anything. He's just like Starscream.

James: Guess that is true.

Then Jesse throws a frying pan at James so he can shut up as she gets up and says.

Jessie: That's it! We're not going to sit here and do nothing! I think we should do something useful!

Thundercracker: Like what? It's not like we can find anything on this island.

He then grabs a glowing Omega key and uses as a back scratcher. After he was done he noticed everyone is looking at him.

Thundercracker: What?

Slipstream: Thundercracker.....how long had that key been glowing?

Thundercracker: Oh this? Probably since we got here......maybe a few hours. Why?

Then Slipstream came over and kicks Thundercracker off of his seat and takes the Omega Key.

Slipstream: You idiot! This glow means there is a Omega key somewhere on this island!

Skywarp: Seriously?!

Thundercracker: (sat up) Ow Well do you really have to kick me down like that?

Slipstream: Yes.

Jessie: Finally! Something that might give us hope!

James: Then what are we waiting for! Let's go and find it!

Meowth: Victory here we come!

Then they leave the room all awhile Swindle is seen around the corner with a smirk on his face as he soon leaves and soon finds Brawl, Vortex and Blast Off working on their weapons at the armoury and then Swindle came in.

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