S2E17: The Infestation of the Grapefruit (Arc 2)

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(Grapefruit island 1)

Y/n, Ironfist, Rhinox, Whirl and Turbospike have been sitting and waiting for Snorlax to fall asleep after he is done eaten but he hasn't gone to sleep. In fact after he finished the Grapefruit tree he begins eating another one.

They were getting a bit impatient especially Whirl as he started to shake his claws in frustration as he watches Snorlaxs eating and eating until he exploded in rage and gets up.

Whirl: THAT'S IT! I HAVR ENOUGH! This fat pokemon have been eaten for hours and still has not fallen asleep! I can't take it anymore!

Rhinox: Whirl calm down.

Whirl: Oh you wanted me to calm down are you? Well too bad I'm not calming down! In fact I'm not gonna calm down unless that fat thing dose not fall asleep or dead!

Y/n: (sigh) There has to be an easier way to put Snorlax to sleep.

Turbospike: Yeah.....oh wait! I know! (Grabs his sniper rifle) Wheeljack upgraded my rifle to have a sleep dirt mode to put things to sleep.

Y/n: And why would he put that into your rifle?

Turbospike: In fact we encountered a large pokemon that might attack us. Either way this one will do.

Once done he aim his rifle at Snorlax and once that he fire his shot. However Snorlax was done and move to another tree which the shot missed Snorlax and was sent flying through the forest.

The bots are stunned as they turn to Turbospike who us stunned as well.

Turbospike: Okay let's try again.

He take his aim and fired and managed to get a hit on Snorlax.

Turbospike: (smirk) Got him!

Then Snorlax looks down at the dirt, pulled it out and tossed it aside snd continues eating.

Ironfist: It didn't work.

Turbospike: I see that thanks. (Mutter) Stupid Wheeljack.

Whirl: Hey I got one!

Y/n: We're not killing him Whirl.

Whirl: Well that's my plan D but plane C is different.

Y/n: Really? How?

Whirl: What about we find a different food for Snorlax to eat and then lower him somewhere that we can trap him?

Rhinox: Hhhmm not a bad idea but the problem being this whole island is Grapefruit, what other food is there?

Y/n thinks about it for a moment and then he radios Ruby.

Y/n: Ruby do you have a supply truck that contains lots of food?

Ruby: (radio) Yeah why?

Y/n: Have some of the frozen foods to be cooked and bring the truck here.

Ruby: (radio) Okay.

(Sometime later)

Ruby, Ash, Misty, Tracy, Hot Rod and Bumblebee arrive at the area and open the back of the truck to all the food with some cook food being smelled by Snorlax. This gete Snorlax attention and he make his way over there. Y/n and the rest follow and soon Snorlax climbs inside the truck and Ruby quickly shut Snorlax inside while he eats.

Y/n: (smile) Done. By the time he's done, he'll be passed out for sure.

Ruby: (smile) I appreciate the help from you all. Thank you so much.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem. Glad we can help.

Ash: So what are you going to do with Snorlax?

Ruby: I'm not too sure but for now let's head back and make you all something good to eat, my treat.

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