S2E9: Rogue pokemon (Arc 3)

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(Mandrain Island North)
(Decepticon base)

Outside of the Decepticon base we see parked Decepticon troopers in their vehicle modes and standing guard foe anything that gets close to the base. Everything seemed to be quiet at first but then a military truck drive around the corner and make its way towards the Decepticon building.

That's when two Decepticon troopers drove up in front of the military truck, blocking his way as the military truck stop and two Decepticon troopers transform inro bot forms behind him and walked up to the truck.

Decepticon trooper 1: What's a military truck doing here?

Decepticon trooper 2: No idea. Check the driver.

The first Decepticon trooper walked over the left side of the truck, kneel down and sees no one inside.

Decepticon trooper 1: There's no driver in there. Its like it's driving on its own.

Then he noticed a symbol of a wrecker beside it and then said.

Decepticon trooper 1: Oh scrap.

Bulkhead: Oh scrap indeed.

Suddenly Bulkhead transform into his bot form as he turn to the first Decepticon trooper and then headbutted him in the face as he falls onto the ground.

The other Decepticon troopers pulled out their weapons at Bulkhead but suddenly rockets rain down, hitting the Decepticon troopers as Whirl qnd Broadside came flying down as Broadside is in his normal size as he open fire at the incoming Decepticon troopers that were racing towards them.

Two Decepticon troopers were suddenly get squashed one of them and stab the first and then pulled out hid blaster and fire a shot at the second which blows up.

Soon Impactor, Sandstorm, Roadbuster, Leadfoot and Ironfist driver over and transform into their bot forms as Impactor radios in Y/n.

Impactor: Y/n we made our moves, Decepticon reinforcements will come out soon.

Y/n: (thought) That's good. Hold them long for us to destroy shockwaves machine.

Impactor: (smirk) Sure thing.

Soon more Decepticon reinforcements came out and surrounded Impactor and his wrecker team as Impactor smirked and said to his team.

Impactor: (smirk) Okay then Wreckers, let's Wreck and roll!

The Decepticon troopers charge towards them while firing their arm blasters at them but Bulkhead pulled out hid shield, blocking the incoming shots while he pulled out hid machine gin on his shoulder and open fire at them, taking all of them out as Ironfist rushes towards the Decepticons and punched the first Decepticon trooper and then dodging a few bolts and then punch the Decepticon troopers legs off which cost the bodt to fall and then Ironfist ripped out the Decepticons head and tosses it towards the others which hits a Decepticon trooper in the head.

Roadbuster and Sandstorm fire their heavy weapons at the Decepticon troopers as Roadbuster move behind Sandstorm, coving him as more came behind them as they were back to back.

Broadside took some cover as he return fire at Decepticon troopers when a heavy Decepticon came into action and firing his cannon at them.

Broadside took some cover as he return fire at Decepticon troopers when a heavy Decepticon came into action and firing his cannon at them

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