S1E6: Secrets below the sand (Arc 1)

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(Location: Sandy-Land Village)

The wind blow the sands of the landscape of the desert as we can see the Village of Sandy-Land as we see the Village people enjoying their time along with many pokemon enjoying as well along with them. Near the Village we see the crops that the Village have been working on throughout their lives.

However not all would be peaceful as we see a gaint robot making it's way towards the crops as we see a man on the watch tower as he sees the incoming gaint robot and rang the bell while calling out.

Male Villager: A robot is about to attack our crops! Get ready to battle!

The Village people hears this and gather as much things they can to use as weapons but all they have are farm tools but they were ready to defend their crops from the robot so they charge ready for battle.

???: Wait it's too dangerous!

Then a young girl named Kate appear into veiw but was too late to stop the Village people as her and her poliwag just watch them charge into battle as Kate lowers her head and thinks to herself.

Kate: (thought) If only someone that can help us. We need someone that will come and help us.

Poliwag wishes as well but then look up including Kate as they see a something huge fallen down from the sky as she watched as the large object made a large crash landing in front of all of Village people as we cut to the large object and sees it was a gaint Autobot ship.

Steam was coming out of the ship and as soon the steam fates away the door opens and the first Autobot climb out of the ship and looks around and then calls out with a cheerful tone.

Steam was coming out of the ship and as soon the steam fates away the door opens and the first Autobot climb out of the ship and looks around and then calls out with a cheerful tone

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Smokescreen: (smile) See! I told you we landed safe and sound. No need to worry about anything.

Then another Autobot came out of the ship as he shake his head while he tells Smokescreen.

Then another Autobot came out of the ship as he shake his head while he tells Smokescreen

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Powerglide: Yeah. Nice work Smokescreen. You've managed to land a ship into a unknown planet with the ship damaged from the crash.

Smokescreen: (smile) Still we survived! That counts for something right?

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