S2E1: Our lives as protectors

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(South-Side city)

It was the middle of the night within South-Side City and everything is seem to be a peaceful night. That is until there was a huge explosion at the pokemon centre as we see five team rocket members rushing out of the pokemon centre while holding a bags of pokemon inside the then climbing into the truck and start to drive off.

Nurse Joy: (coughing) Stop! (Coughing) Stop right there!

Nurse Joy rush out only to see the truck driving off as she couldn't do nothing but watch while we cut back to the truck as the Team Rocket members were laughing of a successful mission and theie boss will be pleased of theie hard work.

Suddenly the driver immediately stop the truck and the truck immediately stops as they were about to crash into a incoming fire truck that just came out of nowhere.

Team Rocket male 1: What's a fire truck doing in the middle of a street?

Team Rocket female: Nobody cares just go around it!

Team Rocket male 1: Right, I'll just-

Suddenly in their shock the truck transform into a large robot as he stood over the truck and then ripped off the roof of the truck while they look up at the robot in total shock.

Suddenly in their shock the truck transform into a large robot as he stood over the truck and then ripped off the roof of the truck while they look up at the robot in total shock

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Inferno: (smirk) Perhaps you don't and get out of the truck nice and slowly.

They sat there in total shock and before they can do anything, two more vehicles appear on the right and they too transform inro robots and once that they aim their weapons at them.

They sat there in total shock and before they can do anything, two more vehicles appear on the right and they too transform inro robots and once that they aim their weapons at them

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