S1E20: Roll to the rescue

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(Location: Valley Green city)

We see a crowd of people rushing and scream as they run away from a huge fire that has started as the windows burst while the people make their escape while fire fighters, ambulance and police arrived on the scene as Officer Jenny came out of her police car and sees the building on fire.

Jenny: Alright I want all fire fighters put down the fire as soon as possible! Ambulances treat the wounds as possible! Let's move people!

They node as the fire fighters took out the fire hose and spray out water at the fire with some releasing their water type Pokemons to help out as they use water gun to take out the fire.

The doctors gose around and treat the wounds and things seemed to be doing well. Suddenly the building exploded which made a huge wave that sent everyone back. The fire truck was hit and flipped over and crashed, crushing the fire fighters chief as he screams in pain.

Male fire fighter: Chief!

Then another explosion but this time huge rubble fell and hits onto most of the fire fighters as they fall unconscious or some where crushed from the huge rubble as they scream in pain.

Jenny sees this and realised that most of the fire fighters are down and there isn't enough ambulance to take them away to the hospital so she calls in through her radio.

Officer Jenny: This is Officer Jenny we need more fire fighters and Ambulances here right now! We have a few injured fire fighters here! We need more back up!

Suddenly sirens can be heard as she look over to see a rescue team driving towards them. Then to everyone's shock the five vehicles transformed into gaint robots as they rush into action as their leader called out.

 Then to everyone's shock the five vehicles transformed into gaint robots as they rush into action as their leader called out

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Hot Spot: Groove, Streetwise, clear the streets so the humans won't be caught by any more explosions!

Groove: Yes sir!

Streetwise: You got it Hot Spot!

Hot Spot: First aid take the injured to the hospital as soon as you can!

First Aid: Right away Hot spot!

Hot Spot: Blades your with me. Protectobots let's do this!

People watched as Groove and Streetwise clear the area so there won't be any more injuries, First Aid transforms into a Ambulance and the doctors have no choice but to load the injured into him and he drives off, taking them to the hospital while Blades transformers inro his rescue Helicopter and shoots out water at the flames while Hot Spot also shoots out water as they shoot it at the fire and after a while the fire was gone and once that Hot Spot looks around to see the humans staring at them and then starred to clap and cheering.

Officer Jenny smiles and saluted to Hot Spot for his action which he saluted her back and once that the Protectobots transforms into their vehicle forms and return back to base.

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