S2E4: The orange islands

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(Dark side of the moon)

We see the Decepticons base within the dark side of the moon as we see many Decepticon forces on the moon along with Decepticon forces outside stockpiling some energon and maintaining turret defence in case of a Autobot attack. While that's going on inside the main HQ we see Megatron sitting on his throne while looking out of his window, watching as his base is being made.

Soundwave: Lord Megatron. The Combaticons have arrived.

Megatron turn his throne chair around to see Soundwave along with the Combaticons as they step forward while Megatron look at them and then smirked.

Megatron: (smirk) Onslaught. I see you and your Combaticons still function.

Onslaught: (bow) Indeed lord Megatron, we have revive your message and we are at your services.

Megatron: (smirk) Good. The Autobots will be feared by your might.

Onslaught: They will be feared even more.

Megatron: Oh, and why is that?

Onslaught: We have a ancient Cybertronian artifact that will make sure our total victory against the Autobots called the Omega Key.

Starscream: (enter the room) The Omega key? That's just a myth.

Swindle: (smirk) Oh really Starscream? Well I have the Omega key within me right no- (pat his waist) Uh....(pat his other wasit) Wait.....um......could you wait for a second lord Megatron.

He then try to find the Omega key while everyone watch him and after a while Swindle realised its not with him so he nervously chuckle and said.

Swindle: (nervously chuckle) Well that's unfortunate. It appears I lost the key while we were escaping from the Autobots.

Megatron: WHAT?!

Swindle: Oh scrap.

Onslaught: Forgive us my lord, we will locate the Autobots who have taking it and we will get it back.

Megatron: You better! Otherwise you and your team will no longer welcome here ever again!

Onslaught: Yes my lord.

They turn and leave as Blast Off slap Swinldw at the back of the head for dropping the Omega key while Megatron watches them leave the room.

Starscream: How can we know they are telling the truth?

Megatron: The Omega Key is not joke Starscream. It would unlock the Omega lock and with that power....I can easy turn Earth into our new Cybertron so we can rule once again.

(Orange islands ocean)

We see Broadside sailing through the ocean as they arrived at the Orange islands as we cut to inside to see Whirl explaining the plan to everyone as he draw out the plan but it just shows Whirl holding holding all the Omega keys with a crown on his head.

Whirl: Okay suckers here's the plan. We need to locate possible five or six keys or something and once we do.....um......we...we'll think about that plan once we gather all of them. Maybe through the into volcano  through them into the ocean or, or!....through them into a ocean which float down into a Volcano with tones of Gyarados, with deadly laser beams shooting out of their eyes!


Whirl: What?

Y/n: Gyaradoes don't have laser eyes.

Whirl: Nonsense! I read on the Internet that if you make them mad enough, they will shoot lasers at the enemy!

Madison: You can't just believe things on the Internet.

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