S1E8: Secrets below the sand (Arc 3 final)

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(Location: Sandy-Land Village)

Zero and Joshua arrived at the Village as they follow Smokescreen and Chromedome as they walk through the village that is covered by sand like walls that surrounded the village to protect them from a Decepticon attack.

The four make their way through the village and enter a junkyard which Chromedome and the rest of his team make it as their base as Brainstorm and Dr Brown are seen looking through the monitors, Hardhead and Warpath checking their weapons while Powerglide walk up to Chromedome and the rest and inform them.

Powerglide: Seems like the Decepticons stopped. Brainstorm and Dr Brown doesn't detected any drilling underneath us.

Chromedome: Either they found something down there (turns to Joshua and zero) or one of your friends is caught and being attacked right now.

Joshua: That's one possibility. Let's just hope they be alright.

Powerglide: (surprised) Joshua is that you? By Primus it's good to see you again.

Joshua: (smile) Same to you Powerglide. Good to see you again.

???: I see we got some new guests.

Then Kate and Poliwag came up to Joshua and Zero as she smiled at them and tell them.

Kate: (smile) The names Kate and this is Poliwag. It's very nice to meet you.

Poliwag: (smile) Poliwag!

Joshua: (smile) Nice to meet you as well. I was surprised these humans in this village doesn't mind Cybertronians here in thier village?

Chromedome: Yeah it's a long story which I might tell you two later.

Dr Brown: That's weird.

They turn to see Dr Brown and Brainstorm looking at something on the monitors while noding as Chromedome, Joshua, Smokescreen and Zero approach them and Chromedome ask them.

Chromedome: What seems to be the problem?

Brainstorm: Well we have detected a few Decepticons and three Autobots below us. But then there is two unknown energon signals that just appeared.

Joshua: Two unknown?

Smokescreen: Could be more Autobots?

Dr Brown: But why is there more Autobots underground?

Smokescreen: (shrugged) No clue. Maybe they crash here before us?

Chromedome: Be smart about this Smokescreen, we don't know who or what those Cybertronians are or we don't know they are on our side or on their side. Still we need to be ready when that comes.


Knockout and Shockblast take cover behind a rock along with the Decepticon troopers ad they peak out of cover and return fire as at the other side we see Y/n, Madison, Turbospike, Optimus Primal and Cheetor shooting athe the Decepticons while Alex, Ben, Verity, Sorrel and Cubone were taking cover with the Autobots as Cubone hugged Verity while she comfort him.

Optimus Primal had the Requiem blaster on his back as he fire his shoulder cannons at the Decepticon forces.

Cheetor: So these are the mighty Decepticons you three were talking about? They're not stoo tough.

Optimus Primal: Still we must protect the Requiem blaster from the Decepticons.

Y/n: We can't stay here any longer. Is there any idea that we can get out of this cave?

Madison: We can go back where we came in and try to get out?

Y/n: No point! The rocks is too hard to climb on.

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