S1E7: Secrets below the sand (Arc 2)

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( 3 days ago)
(Location: Cave system (Underneath Sandy-Land Village)

At the dark caves we see many rock type Pokemons living within the caves in peace. A few zybats can be seen hanging upside down as they slept. Things are peaceful but suddenly there was a shake that cost the Pokemons to look around and wonder what was that shake.

Suddenly a large drill break through the walls of the cave as many pokemon run away as a Decepticon drill dig through the wall. Soon squads of Decepticon troopers pour out from the hole and look around and see they are not at the location yet but had noticed some pokemon there as well.

Decepticon trooper 1: Great more of these creatures. How many are those things?

Decepticon trooper 2: Doesn't matter. We have our orders.

Decepticon trooper 1: Right.

Then a few Decepticon troopers start to open fire at the pokemons as a few were shock while the rest make a run for it while the Decepticon troopers march through the cave, eliminating all pokemon that is in this cave. They continue to fire when a bone was thrown st one Decepticon troopers head and turn to see a Marowak ready to battle against the Decepticons.

Decepticon trooper: Now that's just pathetic.

He then aimed his blaster and immediately kill ten Marowak and continue on moving. We then see a young Cobone behind the rock and was horrified to see his mother killed by a Decepticon. In tears he runs away as he escapes deeper and deeper into the cave.

(Present day)

The heat beats on Y/n and the rest as we see them waiting for Joshua to return from his scouting mission while we see Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel underneath an umbrella which they luckily gotten and some water as well.

Alex: Man it's hot out here. It's almost like we have been walking around circles.

Ben: (tired) Eevee.

Turbospike: Well seems like there is no cities or any forest here. You sure there are more Autobots here?

Y/n: Let's hope so.

Madison: Look!

They turn to see Joshua returning as he transform into bot form and land onto the ground and approach them.

Joshua: I saw a village up ahead. I believe that's where we find more Autobots.

Y/n: Then that's where we go. Let's move everyone.

Soon we see them in their vehicle forms and driving through the sand. We see Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel inside of Y/n as they drive through the desert.

Suddenly there was a small earthquake which they felt as Alex sat up straight and ask Y/n.

Alex: Did you feel that?

Y/n: Yeah. That's probably a earth thing on your planet right?

Alex: Guess so. Though a desert isn't usually have earthquakes.

Suddenly there was a even more massive earthquake as they all stopped as the earthquake continues shaking them.

Verity: What's going on!?

Sorrel: Look! The ground is collapsing!

Up ahead they see the ground collapsing and was pulling everything in.

Y/n: Autobots pull back now!

They did so as they reverse backwards but then Madison, Turbospike and Y/n got stuck within the sand as they try to move but it wasn't working.

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