S1E26: Kanto Grand festival (Arc 3)

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(Indigo Plateau Confernce)

The Decepticon Nemesis is seen hovering over the city as Decepticon forces enter the city and start to attack any life form they can see. Decepticon troopers march through the streets, searching for any humans or pokemon to find as they shoot them down in sight.

Gunfire can be heard along with the sounds of seekers flying through the sky as they bomb city buildings and anything else they can find. We then cut to a battle where we see Y/n's team, Hot Rod and his team taking out Decepticon forces as they get to cover while returning fire.

They shoot down some Decepticon forces as they fell onto the ground while they return fire which some hide for cover.

Jazz: So much for a nice festival.

Bumblebee: Yeah those Decepticons always ruined things.

Hot Rod: You think Ash and the others are alright?

Y/n: We just need to hold them back until back up arrives. We can't allow them to get near the hotel where Ash and the other humans are at.

Joshua: Understood.

Turbospike: Let's hope back up arrives because I don't know how long we can last for.

Turbospike fired his sniper rifle and shot a Decepticon trooper in the head, taking his head off as he fell. Suddenly there was a explosion behind them and they turn to see Decepticon troopers trying to flank them while Treadshot came rolling towards them in his tank mode as he fired and shot Turbospike as he fell onto thr grounr hard.

Madison: Turbospike!

Y/n: Cover them!

Sideswipe: We're getting boxed in!

Jazz: Where the heck is Zero?

We then cut to Zero on the roof as he look down at Treadshot and other Decepticon troopers flanking them. He leap down from the roof, landing on top of a Decepticon trooper and cutting the rest down with his sword, slicing them up and then throws his ninja stars at Treadshot which hits him and I cost him to transform into his bot form and turn to Zero.

Treadshot: This is where you will die Autobot!

He charge towards Zero while Zero stood there and then he leap over Treadshot and land behind him and turn and stabb Treadshot through him with his sword as Treadshot yell while energon spilled out of him. Zero pulled out his sword and roll to the last last Treadshot pulls out his hammer and try to slam at him but missed and then Zero kicked Treadshot back which cost him to crash into a building and Treadshot only watched as Zero rushed up to him and immediately slice his head, cutting it as his head came off of his body and he fell onto the ground dead.

Hot Rod: (shocked) Remind me not to mess with him.

Y/n: (smirk) Don't blame you.

Suddenly they look up to see Tracks and Road Rage fire at Decepticon seekers in the sky. They fire at them and shooting them down but five of them appear behind them and they open fire at them.

Tracks: This is gonna damage my paint job!

Road Rage: Scrap that! I've been waiting for this in my whole life!

She transform into her bot form and grabs one Seeker and start punching the Seeker until she pulled out his wires, costing it go offline while Road Rage fired a few shots at the rest and then leap away and transform into her flying vehicle mode and fly next to Tracks.

Road Rage: Now that was fun!

Tracks: I question how your paint job is still attached disbite the battles you've faced.

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