S2E14: A new threat

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(Middle of the ocean)

Within Broadside we see Rhinox within a private lab with two Omega keys as he study them in silence as he look at the keys and then pull out his data pad to look at them when Y/n enters the room and approaches Rhinox.

Y/n: How are things Rhinox?

Rhinox: Going well so far. The Omega keys are shown to be active once together.

Y/n: Yeah I noticed. Too bad we lost the third one to Starscream.

Rhinox: We'll get it somehow. Anyways if we stay focused on our mission and keep on track, we should be fine.

Y/n: Let's hope so.

Then Hot Rod enter the room and tells the two.

Hot Rod: Hey we're coming up to an island.

Y/n: Right, let's check it out.

Soon Broadside make dock at shore and once there Whirl, Y/n, Impactor, Hot Rod and Rhinox exit out of Broadside with their human and pokemon companies with them as Rhinox pulled out a device to detect a Omega key as they stood there for a bit.

Whirl: Well anything Horn head?

Rhinox: No. This island is clear.

Y/n: Well let's look around and see what we can find.

Alex: (noticed something) Hey look!

Alex pointed over and they see a crowd of archaeologists including a reporter.

Rhinox: Never suspected humans to be on this island?

Y/n: Well let's check it out.

They walk over as the female reporter was telling the audience watching this when she stop talking and looking behind the camera man as everyone turn and they are shocked to see Autobots.

Whirl: Hello there. Is there a problem?

???: (surprised) Well what a surprise to see Autobots here.

Then Nurse joy wearing the same uniform as the archaeologists came out of the crowd as Sorrel ask.

Sorrel: So what's going on?

Nurse Joy: (smile) Well we are here to find fossilised kabuto's.

Alex: Kabuto's?

Ben: [ You mean the pokemons that were extinct a long time ago?]

Nurse Joy: (smile) Correct. We believe there is a lot of them on this island and we are here to uncover them.

Whirl: Sounds boring? Does it even involve around me blowing up stuff?

Nurse Joy:.....Well......maybe?

Whirl: Well sign me up! I love explosion!

Rhinox: Now hold on, are you sure it is wise to disturb their resting spots? Surely they must have gone through great pain, I don't feel comfortable disturbing them.

Whirl: Oh relax horn head, they are dead? What's the worse it can happen.

Impactor: Besides it might be a good idea to tag along in case of a Decepticon attack.

Y/n: Good idea.

Ash: (smile) I wanna join as well?

Tracey: (smile) Me too! I'll be excellent with this job.

Nurse Joy: (smile) Sure. Please follow me.

And so they head off as Nurse Joy leaf the group however unknowing to them, there is a mysterious large figure watching them go before disappearing from sight.

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