S2E18: The infestation of the Grapefruit (Arc 3 final)

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(Starscream's ship)

Starscream enters Shockblasts lap and finds him with piles of boxes containing Grapefruits that the Decepticons troops deliver to his lap as Starscream approaches Shockblast and ask him.

Starscream: My I ask what is with the Grapefruits? They are useless to us.

Shockblast: Guess again Starscream because they are. You see inside of these fruits are called juice. This can be eaten by humans and pokemon. It can also be use to make things as well. My thought being we can use the fruits and make them as a deadly virus to both humans and pokemon! Hahaha!

Starscream: Hhmmm a interesting plan. Knowing how the humans and pokemon consume this type of food, it could be useful after all.

Bridge command: (radio) Commander Starscream. We got reports of Autobots at the three islands and they attacking our forces.

Starscream: So the Autobots are here. Tell all forces to take them down. I wanted to hear their cries.

Bridge command: (radio) Will do sir.

Starscream: Good. I'm going to take a oil bath. Do not disturb me is that clear.

Shockblast: Whatever you say screamer.

Starscream just groan and leaves the room and leave Shockblast to his work.

(Grapefruit Island 4)

We see Decepticon troops attacking the Wreckers as they are friends at them but they immediately get overwhelmed by their incredible strength and fire power.

Impactor changes foward and impaled one Decepticon trooper and took out his spark and then fire his shoulder cannon and took out more. Springer and Bulkhead are seen back to back as Bulkhead smashes while Springer cuts.

Roadbuster and Leadfoot guns down the Decepticon troops as Ironfist rushes foward and flips over two Decepticons over as they crash onto the ground. Sandstorm is seen in his helicopter mode and firing his machine gun and ripping off Decepticon forces as he transform to his vehicle mode and crashes on top of a Decepticon trooper and dashes off.

He runs them over as they fall onto the ground as Impactor smashes one to the ground and then radios in the rest.

Impactor: This is Impactor me and the Wrecker are almost done here. What about you guys?

(Grapefruit island 3)

Hot Rod, Jazz, Sideswipe and Bumblebee are seen defending a group of human workers who are hiding within a warehouse as Hot Rod and his team opens fire at the Decepticon troops.

Slipstream, Thundercrack and Skywarp is seen as they fire at them.

Hot Rod: Sorta doing well here although we might need some back-up. Y/n what about you? How are things?

Y/n: (radio) Kinda busy right now.

Jazz: My guess being we're on our own?

Bumblebee: Seems like it but hey we won't back down.

Sideswipe: Yeah let's show these cons a lesson.

Hot Rod: (smirk) Right.

All four open fire at the Decepticons as Slipstream, Thundercracker and Skywarp charges foward while Hot Rod and his team charges foward as the two clash and they have a brawl.

(Grapefruit island 1)

We see Rhinox, Ash, Misty, Tracey, Ruby, Alex, Sorrel and Verity doing nothing but waiting and hoping the battle will end. Ben and the other pokemon play around while Rhinox is forces on the reports when Arcee enter and ask.

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