S1E28: Kanto Grand festival (Arc 5)

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(Indigo Plateau Hotel)

Trypticon is seen crushing through buildings, fireding it's beams at anything he sees and letting out a massive roar as he destroy anything that stood while the Decepticon forces are pushing back with the Autobot forces while we see the Rescuebots arrive at the hartal and start loading up humans and taking them far away from the battle.

We see Ash and the others among as they escort the trainers and people out of the hotel. We then see Alex and Ben watch Trypticon destroying anything in his path as Alex and Ben watched until Y/n walked up to him and informs Alex.

Y/n: It's time to get out of here Alex. It's not safe here.

Alex continues to stare at the city and has a feeling about something so he turn to Y/n and ask him.

Alex: Do.....Do you think you can survive against Trypticon and a whole army od Decepticon forces?

Y/n: Hard to say..... (kneel down) but we'll sacrifice our sparks for you, humanity and pokemons. We'll stand out ground until one of us is still standing.

Alex: Right, disbite the possibility none of you won't make it out of this alive Huh?

Y/n: Yeah but.....its what we're signed up for.

Alex looks down and seconds later he forms a fist and looks up at Y/n and said to him.

Alex: I wanna stay and fight along side you!

Y/n: (shocked) What?! You can't its too dangerous plus your hurt!

Alex: I know but i won't let you die. We've been through a lot and I refuse to lose you or any other Autobots. We're staying, no matter what!

Ben: Eevee!

Y/n doesn't know what to do as he look down, thinking of a way until someone called out.

???: Same to us!

Then Ash, Pikachu, Misty, Togepi, Brock, Verity, Sorrel and Richie walked over to Y/n as he was shocked by this and tells them.

Y/n: No! This is too dangerous to any of your humans! You'll die!

Ash: (smile) True but we're friends and friends stick together!

Pikachu: (smile) Pikachu!

Misty: (smile) You've helped us and we wish to return the favour.

Brock: This is our home as well. If the Decepticons takes over then that's it for all of us.

Sorrel: Brock's right. This is our home.

Verity: (smile) And we'll defend it along side you!

Richie: (smile) Same here.

Y/n sees they are not going anywhere so without no choice he stood up straight and tells them.

Y/n: Very well then, just stick by me and keep your head down.

They agree and then Ash turn to his mother with a worry face on her. He walked over to her and he look at Delia and tell her.

Ash: Sorry mom but I can't abandon them. They are my friends.

But she just smiled and kiss Ash on the forhead as she look at Ash still with a smile and tells him.

Delia: (smile) I know what you have to do. Just come back safe and sound okay?

Ash: (smile) Right!

Pikachu: (smile) Pikachu!

Y/n: Alright then. Hot Spot get everyone else out of here, everyone else, let's roll out!


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