S2E21: Anti Cybertronian city (Arc 1)

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It was the middle of the night at Trovitopolis when suddenly there was explosions and gunfire. We then cut to a car speeding through the city really fast almost like something is chasing it.

The car continues to speed through the city trying to get out as fast as possible. The car was driving through a bridge when suddenly a missile hits the car and the car sped off the bridge and fell.

Suddenly the car tranform into a Cybertronian and he slammed onto the ground. He groans as he slowly gets up and looks up to see lights shooting down ans spotted him.

???: There he is!

The Cybertronian begins to run but his leg was injured but he tried his best to run. He was slow as he run but this give his attackers to pull out a rocket launcher and fired.

The rocket hits the Cybertronian at the back and he fell onto the ground. He slowly gets up and tried his best to crawl away but he gets shot once again by another rocket.

He turns around as the mysterious attckers came down and shine their flash lights on the Cybertronian. The Cybertronian crawls backwards in fear and said.

Cybertronian: Please! I'm not a Decepticon! You have to believe me! Please! I just want to live here in peace!

Suddenly something was thrown as a disk like device is place onto his chest and he was suddenly zapped with electricity and soon collapses onto the ground and lays there motionless.

???: Mayor we got another one. Returning him back to base.

(Next day)

It was a bright and sunny day and we see the Autobots arriving at Trovitopolis and once they have docked they exit out of broadside and once out broadside transforms into his bot form and shrink to his normal size.

Broadside: Scrap that was far longer then we thought.

Hot Rod: (smirk) Well we're here.

Arcee: So is there where the next Omega key is at?

Rhinox: Looks like it. However I don't believe it's in this city.

Tracey: Perhaps it's outside of the city?

Rhinox: Maybe.

Alex: (smile) Well it looks like there won't be any problems. So far we never encounter any Decepticons for a while.

Ash: (smile) Yeah maybe this is our lucky day.

Y/n: Probably but we should-

Suddenly armor military tracks came rolling towards them at the docks and once they stopped soldiers came out and aim their weapons at them.

They were caught off guard and they raised their hands.

Sandstorm: What's going on here?

Ironfist: Not sure. But it can't be good.

Y/n: Soldiers we are Autobots. There is no need for this. We came here to search for something. Perhaps we can speak to your leader and-

Suddenly a cannon was pointed at Y/n and fired a disk which attached onto him and he was blasted with electricity and soon he falls to the ground and lays there motionless.

Alex: Y/n!

Misty: What was that for!

Turbospike: Yeah! We're on your sid-

Suddenly Turbospike was hit by the disk and was blasted with electricity and soon he fall. Arcee, Bumblebee, Hot Rod, Jazz and Cliffjumper, Joshua, Madison try to defend themselves but soon they too were put down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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