S1E9: A strike at the Decepticons base

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(Location: Valley Green City)

At the hanger at Dr Logen's lab we see Chromedome, Hardhead, Powerglide, Brainstorm and Warpath setting up the base and they were almost done, they just needed to get the Ground Bridge online as Brainstorm dose his work with the help of Logen and his Electrobuzz.

Smokescreen: Dude this planet is awesome!

Then Smokescreen arrive back to the base as he spin around and then stopped as he transform into his bot form and gose on to say.

Smokescreen: This city has so much stuff then the village. Tall buildings, cool shops and they ever have a car wash which I really enjoy the most! I felt like I was in the well of the Allsparks while in that car wash.

Brainstorm: Well if your done with your driving around then you should sort out those energon cubes at the corner.

Smokescreen: Sure thing boss. (Walks off)

Brainstorm: Okay and that should do it. Thank you for the assistance Dr Logen and Electrobuzz.

Logen: (smile) It's no problem. Besides I want to witness the first test of your Ground Bridge! This is gonna be epic!

Electrobuzz: (smile) Electrobuzz!

Brainstorm: (radios Y/n) Y/n we have the ground Bridge set up. Is your team ready?

Y/n: (coms) We're ready Brainstorm. Active the Ground Bridge.

Brainstorm: A Ground Bridge coming right up!

Brainstorm make his way to the control console and set up Y/n and his teams coordinations while other bots watched and soon Brainstorm presses a button and a Ground Bridge comes online and it open up a green portal which Logen find it amazing while the rest look at the Ground Bridge to see Y/n and his team comes through.

Seconds later Y/n and his team come through the Ground Bridge and step into the hanger as Y/n looks around and see the first test was a success.

Brainstorm: It worked!

Alex: Kinda.

They see Alex, Verity, Sorrel and Ben as they step forward and feeling kinda dizzy and sick as Brainstorm tells them.

Brainstorm: My apologies for that. It seems Ground bridges isn't much effective to Cybertronians but when it comes to other life forms, I guess they feel kinda sick.

Verity: Yeah you think?

Y/n: Still it's a success either way. Now we can use it to go anywhere if we have the layouts of the planet.

Logen: I'll downloaded the map of the planet so the Grounr Bridge can download the information.

Logen walks off to do that while Alex and the rest sat down so they can feel a bit better after they walk through the ground Bridge. Then Chromedome and Powerglide walk up to them with Chromedome asking them.

Chromedome: So did you find the Decepticons base?

Turbospike: Nope there is nothing. Still it be difficult to find the base since this planet is huge!

Joshua: I have to agree with Turbospike. This is a huge and unknown planet to us and without any clues where the Decepticon base is, then we're lost.

Chromedome: Yeah your right. We need to find any way to locate them before they locate us first.

Powerglide: What about the Ark?

Y/n: The Ark?

Powerglide: That's the ship where Optimus and his Autobot forces are. They are coming here with the Ark and it maybe soon.

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