S1E2: Getting to know you allies and enemies

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We see a Jet fighter flying through the skies of planet earth as the jet fighter flies through the clouds and going by some flying Pokemons that are flying peaceful. It was peaceful flying through he sky, watching as the flying Pokemons falling their wings and flying through the clouds to where ever they are going.

Soon the jet fight take dive down through the clouds and soon exit out of the clouds and fly above the city of Valley Green city as we can see the fighter jet scouting out the city and using a camera at the bottom of the jet to scan the whole town for any activity that is going on. After seeing that everything is clear the jet fighter flies around and returns back to base.

Soon we see the jet fighter flying towards the crashed Autobot ship and it transformed, revealing to be Joshua as he lands in front of the ships main doors which they open for him and he step inside.

At the bridge we see Y/n with Turbospike as we see him laying down while  underneath the control console, trying to get the ships systems working when Joshua enters the bridge and tells Y/n.

Joshua: (salute) I've scout the whole city and there are no Decepticons in the city. We're all clear.

Y/n: That's good to hear Joshua. Turbospike any luck so far?

Soon Turbospike slids out underneath the control console and stood up and tells both Y/n and Joshua.

Turbospike: Yeah I may not be a ship engineer but there is good news and bad news. The good news is the ships communications and our beacon to the Autobots back on Cybertron are working well and they should be coming here.....possibly 5 to 4 Cyber welk or more, depends if they are already in space or not.

Y/n: And the bad news?

Turbospike: Bad news is this ship cannot fly. The engines are busted, the wings are broken and some of the controls ain't working as well. This ship ain't going on where unless we have some parts to repair it.

Y/n: I don't think we have some spare parts to repair the ship.

Joshua: What about the humans? This planet might have some parts we need to repair it?

Y/n: Judging how their technology are when I woek up, i don't think their not as advance as ours are.

Turbospike: So that means were stuck here then. Great. Just scrapping break.

Joshua: Speaking of the human, where are the trio of humans you've brought in?

Y/n: They are with Madison and Zero at the medical bay. I'll head there right now and see what they are doing.

Joshua: Understood sir.

(Medical bay)

We see Ben, Lucario and Piplub on the table in front of Madison as she look at them in amazement while she gently pet Ben on the head with her metal finger which he likes. We see Alex, Verity and Sorrel on the large table while we see Zero standing there and watched as Madison pets Ben, Piplub and Licario.

Madison: (smile) Aaaww you have the most cutest creatures ever.

Alex: (smile) Glad you like our pokemon Madison.

Verity: (smile) You know at first I thought you gaint robots was...a bit scary but now you guys ain't so bad.

Madison: (giggle) Thanks. We're all not bad bots. Especially when it comes to adorable Pokemons like yours.

Ben: (smile) Eevee!

Piplub: Piplub.

Lucario: Lucario.

Sorrel looks over to Zero and see Zero just staring at them and not saying anything which Madison noticed and tell them.

Madison: (smile) Don't mind Zero here. He's a strong slient type but he's very cool and very loyal to us.

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