S2E13: Starscream attacks

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(Sunburst island)

We see Starscreams ship flying over Sunburst island and over the town as we see the town being attacked he Decepticon forces as we see the Conheads on the ground with Decepticon jet troopers as they blasted everything in their way and costing enough destruction while the citizens run away in fear.

We then see Starscream with Onslaught and the Combaticons as they oversee the attack but they haven't have any luck locating the entrance to the Omega key.

Starscream: Search this island! We will not rest until we will find that key!

Onslaught: You sure you know what you are doing?

Starscream: (Turns to Onslaught) Of course I do! We must locate the key so I can- I mean so "lord Megatron) Will use the Omega lock to turn this planet into metal.

Onslaught: Whatever you say Starscream.

Suddenly there was a explosion coming from the town as they see Impactor and his Wreckers came charging in, slaughtering the Decepticons and costing some like the conheads to get behind cover and open fire at them.

There is a massive fire fight as Starscream sees this and then turns to Onslaught.

Starscream: I believe these Wreckers are all yours.

Onslaught: For once Starscream I'm glad. (Turn to the Combaticons) Combaticons, attack!

Then they charge towards town as Starscream sees this while Blitzwing came up next to him.

Blitzwing: Onslaught is going to be hard to deal with, especially the Combaticons.

Starscream: (smirk) Yes but they are pretty useful in their combine form.

We cut to the town and immediately of the street we see Jessie, James and Meowth trying their best to avoid the fire fight and being crushed by fallen dead Decepticon troopers after they were shot. They hide within stores for cover as explosions happen outside.

James: So what should we do?

Meowth: Don't look at me, I'm not a soldier.

Jessie: (angry) I swear Starscream is gonna regret this.

Then they watched as the Combaticons drive by the building they were in and approaches the Wreckers.

Onslaught: We need to take them out once and for all. Combaticons, form into Bruticus!

Swindle and Brawl drives by Onslaught and immediately transform into legs which Onslaught leaps up and transform into the body as Vortex flies around and then transforms into the right arm and Blast off transforming into the left arm and both attached it into Bruticus and once that Bruticus is online ad the Wreckers turn and we're faced to face with Bruticus.

Swindle and Brawl drives by Onslaught and immediately transform into legs which Onslaught leaps up and transform into the body as Vortex flies around and then transforms into the right arm and Blast off transforming into the left arm and both atta...

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Bruticus: Bruticus will crush you Wreckers!

Whirl: Oh scrap.

Impactor: Wreckers take him down!

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