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"Georgie, I really need my toothbrush!" Maddie exclaimed, as she ferociously knocked the bathroom door where George had locked himself in

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"Georgie, I really need my toothbrush!" Maddie exclaimed, as she ferociously knocked the bathroom door where George had locked himself in.

"Yeah, I need to take a shower." Izzie said. "What are you doing in there anyway?"

"It's private!"

Maddie and Izzie looked at each other trying not to laugh. "Oh god, sorry for interrupting Georgie."

"Take your time, we get it." Izzie smiled.

"No, it's not that!" George protested. "I'm coming-"

"Didn't need to know that Georgie." Maddie laughed.

"I'm coming OUT!" George shouted, leaving the bathroom.

"Out of the closet?" Maddie winked, Izzie laughed and George just shook his head.

"There's no reason to be ashamed. It's normal. Healthy, even." Izzie smiled, going in for her shower.

"Well, I'm not ashamed cause I wasn't doing anything. I don't have to. I have a girlfriend."

"Oh my god!" Maddie squealed. "You and Olivia are together, together? YAY!" She cheered, jumping on George, wrapping her arms around him.

"We can go on double dates!!" Maddie shouted, excited.

"Maddie, you're... single." George said slowly.

"I'll find someone to bring." She laughed.

"What is that noise?" Derek mumbled, waking up in bed next to Meredith.

"Madison's dulcet tones."

"Lovely." Derek said, ignoring his ringing phone.

"Aren't you gonna get that? It might be the hospital." Meredith eyed him.

"It's not. Breakfast?" He smiled.

♡ ✶ ☽ ✵ ♡ ✶ ☽ ✵ ♡

"You know, I really appreciate being on your service so much. But people here, they talk. And I'll be dammed if someone starts a rumour that we're sleeping together... or that you're favouring me because of Meredith." Maddie ranted to Derek.

They were both in the gallery watching as the Chief performed a surgery with Meredith and Bailey.

"Nobody is going to start any rumours. You're talented. Plus... you're not my type." Derek teased.

"And Meredith is? She's fucked up. We both are." Maddie and Derek laughed, although the latter wasn't too sure what she meant by that statement.

Their attention was caught by The Chief, down in the OR, where he dropped a retractor.

Richard asked Bailey to finish up the surgery before leaving.

"That's not good." Maddie mumbled as she and Derek shared a look.

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