if tomorrow never comes

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"When we walk through this door, you will maintain decorum

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"When we walk through this door, you will maintain decorum. You will not laugh, vomit, or drop your jaw. Are we understood?" Bailey instructed four of her interns as they stood outside of a hospital room.

"Why would we laugh?" Izzie asked.

"Oh just wait!" Alex grinned.

"Alex, behave!" Maddie scolded him, lightly slapping his arm. She and Alex had been on call last night and admitted the patient so they already knew the case.

"Good morning Miss Connors." Bailey said, entering the room, her interns following.

"Good morning." Replied Miss Connors. The woman who lay in the bed had a huge tumour sticking out of her side, about the size of 5 bowling balls.

"What is it?" George questioned quietly.

"Tumour." Cristina responded.

"Good morning Annie!" Alex and Maddie said together.

"How are you this morning? This is Doctor Bailey and these are our fellow interns." Alex said.

"Doctor Grey, Doctor Karev we refer to patients as-"

"I told them to call me Annie. 'Miss Connors' makes me feel old and fat, which I am, but why feel that way?" Annie cut in, Maddie smiled sadly.

Nobody should be so down on themselves she thought.

Doctor Burke entered and greeted Annie before Alex began to present the patient.

"Annie Connors is a 43-year-old woman who presented last night with progressive shortness of breath for the past three months. Found to have a very large tumor of unknown origin pressed against her diaphragm. Stable vital signs. Scheduled for CT this morning, sir."

"Dr. Stevens is going to take you up for a CT. It'll give us a better look at the tumour and we'll know how to proceed." Burke said to Annie.

"Could someone tell my Mom? She'll worry if she gets back and I'm not here." Annie said.

"Of course!" Maddie smiled.

"And would it be possible for Alex and Maddie to take me instead? I mean, he... he's just so fun to look at. And Maddie always makes me feel so calm."

"Sure. Excuse me." Burke smiled before leaving.

"Maddie, I need to talk to you." Meredith whispered to her sister as she was about to take Annie for a CT.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Greys! Stop the chit chat!" Bailey exclaimed.

"Doctor Bailey seems happy today." Maddie sarcastically said with an eye roll. "I'll catch you later, I promise." She said to her sister.

♡ ✶ ☽ ✵ ♡ ✶ ☽ ✵ ♡

"Unbelievable." The tech guy said.

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