save me

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"Woah!" Maddie yelped as she tripped and nearly fell down the stairs in her house, only for a pair of strong arms to grab her

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"Woah!" Maddie yelped as she tripped and nearly fell down the stairs in her house, only for a pair of strong arms to grab her.

"You good?" The charming smile of Derek Shepherd greeted her.

"That was close! Thanks!" She exhaled, smiling. "You're like my knight in shining armour huh? Sorry Mer, I might need to keep this one."

Maddie kissed Derek's cheek before running down the rest of the stairs.

"Madison don't run down the stairs!" Meredith yelled after her. "She's going to put me into an early grave." Derek laughed at the sisters.

In the kitchen, Derek made coffee for Maddie, Meredith and himself while also getting a bowl of cereal.

"You're like a health nut, aren't ya? You eat muesli every morning." George said to Derek.

"No, I don't." The older man chuckled.

"Okay, the muesli thing you do, the last seven days at least." Izzie said.

"Oh come on, I haven't been here for a whole week." Derek laughed before turning to Maddie and asking quietly. "Have I?"

She giggled and nodded at him.

"See, even they think it's weird." Meredith said to Derek.

"I don't think it's weird!" Maddie protested. Derek smiled at her before giving her a fist bump.

Meredith started at her sister. "What? He saved my life!" Maddie defended causing Meredith to roll her eyes.

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"Maddie you have to come meet this psychic patient!" Meredith called, running to her sister who was sat playing with George's curls.

"Psychic?" Maddie scoffed with a laugh.

"He predicted someone on the fourth floor would die... and they did." Meredith said. Maddie sighed in annoyance.

"ICU is on the fourth floor, people die there all the time."

"Just come meet him!" Meredith pulled her sister up by the arm.


George laughed with a shake of his head, as he watched the oldest Grey drag the youngest one away.

"Mr Duff, this is my sister." Meredith smiled, walking into the patient's room.

"Ah Madison." Meredith's eyes widened but Maddie's eyes rolled.

"He probably overheard you and Cristina talking." Maddie whispered to her sister.

"You have a bright smile Madison... but your past is so dark." He stared at her.

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