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Enter McSteamy 🔥

"He's adorable Doctor Bailey, you did an awesome job." Maddie smiled down at the sleeping baby boy in her arms.

Inside his crib, laid a small lion plush toy, a gift from his Auntie Maddie.

It had been a few days since Maddie stuck her hand on a bomb, the bomb later went off and Bailey gave birth to her son while Derek Shepherd had her husband on his operating table.

What a day Maddie thought to herself.

"How are you doing?" Bailey gently asked.

"Fine." Maddie responded, not looking at her.

Bailey gave her a disbelieving look. "Madison."

Maddie rolled her eyes at the use of her full name. "I had a date with the first guy I've liked for years and... he blew up... I'll be fine, I just need to work."

"You take it easy you hear me?" Bailey said, a motherly tone in her voice.

"Yes Mother." Maddie laughed.

Soon the interns were all in a patients room with Derek. Maddie started work early and had already met the patient who she'd already grown very fond of.

"Everybody, this is Jake Burton. 15. He has advanced craniodiaphyseal dysplasia and was admitted last night after complaining of headaches." Maddie presented, smiling and Jake and his parents who both smiled back.

"He's not a complainer." Jake's Mom said.

"He's been having some nausea as well." His Dad added.

As Derek did some checks, Jake noticed Cristina looking pretty uncomfortable.

"You know you could pretend I'm a lion. It helps." Jake said.

"I'm sorry?" Cristina asked, confusion lacing her voice.

"You could pretend I'm a lion and then instead of a really messed up kid you get a talking circus animal, which is way easier to look at."

Maddie and Derek chuckled fondly at the young boys sense of humour.

"Grey, what's our immediate concern?" Derek asked, turning to face Maddie.

"That the bony tumors are growing inward and encroaching on his brain."

"Good! Welcome to the case." Derek smiled.

Later, Maddie stood at a nurses station, doing some research on Jake's case. It had been days and she still thought of Dylan and how things would be if the bomb hadn't gone off, she'd never felt such a strong connection with someone she barely knew.

"Invasive non-cell. With a history of COPD. That guy's pretty much a goner, huh?" She heard a deep voice behind her.

Maddie had to stop when she turned round, as behind her had to be the most perfectly chiselled man she'd ever seen. The stranger had a similar reaction when Maddie turned, he'd only seen her from the back and didn't realise how beautiful she was.

"Always delightful to meet a fellow optimist." Maddie chuckled. "Are you new here?"

"Visiting, although.. I may need to stay longer." He smirked, not hiding the fact he was checking her out.

Maddie rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't, the last guy who flirted with me, blew up."

Mark laughed but stopped realising she wasn't joking. "So much for being an optimist huh?"

"Touché." Maddie laughed lightly.

"I'm Mark." He stuck his hand out, a genuine smile on his face, not the flirtatious smirk he previously wore.

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