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In the hospital, we see addiction every day. It's shocking how many kinds of addiction exist. It would be too easy if it was just drugs and booze and cigarettes. Often...too often...things that start out as just a normal part of your life at some point cross the line to obsessive... compulsive... out of control.

"Mark!" Maddie exclaimed with a laugh, this was the second time tonight he'd made a comment on her looks. The two of them were in Joe's having a drink and even though Maddie was dressed in a simple white t shirt, leather jacket, black ripped skinny jeans and black converse, Mark thought she looked beautiful.

"I'm just saying." He put his hands up in defence.

"You said! You said 'just friends'!"

"Sexy friends?" Mark wiggled his eye brows suggestively causing Maddie to roll her eyes and slap his shoulder. He reminded her of Alex at times.

Mark was flirty at the best of times but Mark Sloan with a drink was crazy flirty.

"You're a nightmare." Maddie laughed.

After a couple of hours, it was evident that the alcohol was affecting Maddie more than it was Mark, he smiled as she giggled over little things that seemed hilarious in that moment.

"Come on blue eyes, let's get you home." Mark chuckled, wrapping his arm around the resident and leading her out of the bar.

"I don't know if I'm more concerned you know the way to my house or the fact you haven't tried to make a move on me yet." Maddie giggled as they strolled down the streets, in the direction of her and Meredith's house.

"I wouldn't take advantage of you when you're drunk, I'm not a complete ass." Mark rolled his eyes at her.

"Of course not." Maddie cheekily grinned causing Mark to laugh.

He helped her into the house after she struggled to find the spare key under an ornament by the door.

"Hey! I thought you two broke up!" Maddie pointed an accusing finger at Derek and Meredith, as she passed her sisters bedroom. The two were laid on Meredith's bed together.

"Maddie... Mark?" They exclaimed together.

"He's just helping me home, relax!" Maddie rolled her eyes, waving them off before leaving the room, Mark following behind her.

Derek quickly threw on a t shirt and a pair of sweatpants and followed them.

"Maddie, you're drunk!"

𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐀𝐦 ✶ 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐲'𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐲Where stories live. Discover now