𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧

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Meredith sat at the bar with her sister and George.

"I actually said 'Pick me.' Right? I did?"

"You did." Maddie chuckled, feeling second hand embarrassment for her sister.

"I think it's romantic." Joe said, his eyes widened when Maddie burst into giggles.

"It's not romantic, Joe, it's horrifying." Maddie clarified.

"It kinda is." George agreed with a shrug.

"Horror movie horrifying. Carrie at the prom with the pig's blood horrifying." Meredith said.

"Okay, fine, it's horrifying. But Carrie took out an entire senior class as revenge. Gotta say, I like that in a girl."

Cristina and Izzie soon arrived, watching Meredith drown her sorrows.

"Where's Alex?" Maddie wondered out loud.

"Who cares." Izzie rolled her eyes. Maddie sent her a look in response, not liking her immaturity.

"When you tell someone 'I'll meet you later at a bar tonight' how long exactly does that mean you're supposed to wait?"

"Do you think he's really not coming?"

"Derek's a good guy, he'll show up to give Meredith his answer no matter what it is." Maddie smiled, having faith in her friend.

"It is getting a little hard to watch." Izzie said.

"It was hard to watch an hour ago. Now it's just pathetic."

"Cristina!" Maddie exclaimed. "She is hurting, she's allowed to be pathetic."

"You, who pretend to be my friends and my sister are calling me pathetic behind my back,
in front of my face. Why don't you just dump the pig's blood on me now and get it over with?"

Nobody answered Meredith because a bunch of pagers going off interrupted everyone's conversations.

"911." Maddie said looking at her pager.

The TV in the bar showed a massive train wreck that occurred minutes ago just outside of Seattle.

"We just worked a 30 hour shift." Izzie complained.

George groaned. "I don't have any clean underwear."

All of the hospital staff in the bar started to pick up their bags.

"The Vancouver-bound train was carrying over 300 passengers." A news reporter on the TV said.

"Looks ugly." Joe said.

"Carnage. See ya Joe!" Maddie grinned as Cristina pulled Meredith with them.

At the hospital, the interns were quickly putting on yellow gowns, aside from Meredith, when Bailey walked in.

"Oh!" George was in shock.

"What?" Maddie turned to see what he was looking at. "Oh my god."

"Doctor Bailey, you look beautiful!" Maddie beamed at her.

"Thank you Madison." She smiled back before handing her jacket and purse to Alex. "Hey, you, go get me my damn shoes. Let's move, people."

"Hello. I seem to be a little bit drunk. I was off duty." Meredith said as she slowly approached her resident. Maddie laughed at her sister.

"So was I!" Bailey glared. "Anybody else half in the bottle?"

They all shook their heads, but Bailey gave Maddie a disbelieving glance.

𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐀𝐦 ✶ 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐲'𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐲Where stories live. Discover now