𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞

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"Why do you even care?" Maddie giggled. "You guys aren't together."

"We have an on/off thing going on." Alex rolled his eyes.

The two interns were together, sat in Joe's, both of them were pretty tipsy at this point and Alex was ranting to his friend about Izzie's attachment to Denny.

"And right now... are you on or off?"

"Off." Alex grumbled. "Forever I think, I dunno things are never clear."

Maddie rolled her eyes at the mess of their relationship. She wasn't one to judge. But personally, she had to know where she stood.

"You should talk to her Alex."

"Yeah maybe.. you know if we weren't friends I'd be trying so hard for you right now." He laughed.

"That is inappropriate Alex!" Maddie scolded with a smile.

"Come on, you know I would." He chucked.

"I should probably get you home, don't want Meredith and George all over my ass for keeping you out all night."

Maddie laughed and the two left the bar and started walking to Meredith and Maddie's house.

"Thanks for this Mads, I really needed it." Alex said as they approached the house, feeling like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

"Anytime!" Maddie gently smiled at him. "That's what friends are for. It's not good to bottle up your feelings."

"Yeah I know." He sighed, pulling her into his arms. "You're my person Maddie... I think you're everyone's person actually, I'll see you in the morning."

"See ya."

The next morning, the interns, minus Izzie, were hanging around the nurses station when Addison walked in, she had coffee spilt down her jacket and didn't appear to be in a great mood.

"I need an intern, now." She said to Meredith and Cristina.

"I'm with Bailey."

"I'm with Burke."

They both responded, quickly walking away. Addison then set her sights on Maddie and Alex, who were talking and laughing.

"Karev, Grey."

"Oh, I don't do vagina, not as a doctor anyway."

"Alex!" Maddie hissed, hitting his arm, trying to hold her laughter.

"Oh back talk." Addison said, throwing a folder into his arms. "You just bought yourself a case. Follow me you two."

Addison lead them to the ward and after getting ready, took them to their patients room where a man and woman were surrounded by six young children.

"Rose, this is Doctor Grey and Doctor Karev, we're just waiting on your labs. How are you feeling?"

"Large." She laughed. "Large and cow like."

"Moo!" One of the kids laughed causing Maddie to chuckle.

"Hey kids, come on, who wants ice cream?" Rose's husband asked the kids, sensing that their presence wasn't doing the doctors any favours.

"I'm so tired." Rose sighed as her kids left.

"Oh, Rose, well, you know, six kids, 38 weeks pregnant. A saint would be tired."

"Well... I'm no saint. This baby, Doctor Shepherd, I need him to be my last."

"Well, if you're interested in alternative forms of birth control...

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