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Tonight was going to be a long night.

Delilah was perched on one of the stools at the breakfast bar, her foot tapping as her strapped heel brushed against the marble island as she waited impatiently. She let out a soft sigh as her eyes drifted down to her phone, her finger tapping to illuminate the screen. 

For as long as she could remember her life has run off a schedule, a tight schedule.

Being late could lose you business relationships, millions is contracts and endorsements or ruin your reputation publicly.

Running late made her skin prickle and her anxiety built.

"I'm sorry Lila, I'll be down in a sec I promise!" Gia shouted from up stairs, snapping Delilah from her day dream.

"No worries, take your time" she called back, shuffling uncomfortably on her seat as her anxiety continued to seep from her in physical manifestations.

Tonight was going to be a very long night.

"She's known you far too long to believe you mean that you know" Brad teased as he entered the kitchen behind her, grabbing together his keys, wallet and cell phone.

"Damn Brad! You suit up pretty well" Delilah teased back, rising from her seat to smooth over Brad's jacket and straighten his tie.
"Besides tonight is all about ya'll. If I have to sit here vibrating like a massage chair for hours I will do so happily."

The way Brad's eye brows were raised and his mouth was screwed up told Delilah that her statement sounded about as convincing as it felt leaving her lips.

"Sure thing Lila" Brad turned and grabbed the bottle of Grey Goose and two shot glasses from the counter behind him. "Come on, have one to calm the nerves with me?" He asked, already pouring out the two glasses and handing one to Delilah.

"To you and Gia and the most epic engagement party we've ever seen?" Delilah offered as they raised their glasses together.

"How about to myself and Gia and the most well organised, meticulously planned engagement party with the least amount of drama"

"Maybe if you hadn't invited your 'Best Man'" Delilah interrupted, using air quotations to really hammer her point in to a concerned looking Brad.

"Okay, are you ready?" Gia's voice interrupted from the stairs, prompting Brad and Delilah to quickly down their shots.

Gia stood at the top of the stairs, waiting to make her arrival, in an ivory strapless dress which hugged her curves in all the right ways.

"Shit baby" Brad said as his eyes roamed over his fiancé with adoration.

"G you look amazing!" Delilah beamed as Gia made her way down the stairs.

"Thank you, so do you! Now can we please hurry the hell up? We're already running late to our own god damn party!" Gia scolded as she rushed them out the door and in to the waiting Phantom.

Within half an hour they were pulling up to the club that had been booked for Gia and Brad's engagement party. The three were ushered past the queues of people and into a back entrance and rushed to the elevators.

"Okay, I think this is where we part ways" Delilah told them, turning to hold Gia's hands and giving them a reassuring squeeze.

"We'll see you in there" Gia told her, nodding towards the entrance door and signalling to her best friend she was ready to get the night started.

Delilah made her way over towards the large wooden double doors and clasped the gold handles, pausing to take one more steadying breathe. She could already hear the music, the voices, the chaos that was awaiting them inside, her skin beginning to prickle again as she finally pulled the doors open and made her way inside.

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