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*Austin's POV*

There was no way this was going to work. The second she walked through that door he knew there was no way he could pull it off. His feelings were written all over him for the fucking world to read.

The moment her saw her he could feel the effects on his body, his heart started beating a million miles a second, he couldn't control the smile on his face, the glistening in his eye, how rock hard his cock got.

She looked incredible.

Her dress was pasted to her skin and enhanced every dip and curve of her body. Her dark auburn hair was softly draped over her shoulders in loose curls, her make up natural and understated, but did nothing to hide the nervousness on her face.

It took all his willpower not to run to her, knowing it was too public and too soon for him to play her knight in shining armour. He had no choice but to wait patiently on pins and needles until she reached him, then he could figure out an excuse to whisk her away and calm her.

He started moving closer to the stairs, watching each minuscule move she made, picking up on each telltale nervous reaction. It was agony watching her knowing there was nothing he could do to help her until she reached him, and even then he would have to be clever about it.

He got lost in watching her, both intoxicated by her and frozen with concern for her. Finally she reached the stairs, he rushed down the first couple of steps to meet her.

"Quite a subtle entrance you made there Del."

Her eyes lifted, meeting with his and he could see the relief on her face. He watched her take a deep steadying breath, a smile slowly forming as he offered his hand to her, hoping that the dim lighting would be enough to keep people from noticing.

No one had ever held on to him to tight, so desperately. He could tell from her grip, how quickly she laced her fingers with his, that she needed to feel him just as badly as he needed her. He tugged her to him and took a moment to pull her close to his chest while the others were still making their way up the stairs. "I've got you baby, you're okay." He whispered to her.


"This is weird. I don't know how I feel about this..." Gia glared gesturing at Austin and Delilah who were sitting besides each other in their booth.

"Feel about what?" He asked before shoving another pastry in his mouth.

"You two... getting along... it's like we're in the twilight zone." Brad finished for her, also looking suspiciously at them.

"Or he's just trying to fuck all of my bridesmaids..." Gia spat back out.

Fuck he couldn't stand her sometimes.

"Maybe this is just our good deed for the day, or your wedding present. Us getting along makes it easier for you guys surely?" She responded, not even flinching at Gia's comment.

"Whatever, it's gonna take some getting used to..." Brad said quietly as he finished off his screwdriver. "Another?" He asked Austin, shaking his empty glass.

"Sure, I'll go." Austin jumped up from the seat in a rush. "Anyone else?"

Everyone gave Austin their orders, providing Delilah the perfect excuse to offer to help him with the drinks.

"I'm on to you." She whispered knowingly as they approached the bar.

"What?" He asked with a smirk.

"Evening Sir, one of the same?" The bartender asked as they approached.

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