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*Austin's POV *

"Knock knock..." Dr Hartley's voice boomed as he entered the room. He could feel Delilah curled into him begin to stretch, his own eyes trying to flutter open.
"Sorry to disturb you, I know it's still early and I'm sure it was a restless night. How has he been? Fiona said he was awake earlier?"

Everything hurt, from the second Dr Hartley's voice rang in his ears, every inch of skin was on fire, every bone in his body ached. He tried to open his eyes but the light coming in was too bright. All he could do was keep them closed and try and keep his breathing steady.

"Morning, yeah he was for a while, he was speaking and coherent." Her voice soothed him, he was sore everywhere, but her voice made it bearable somehow. He could feel her moving, lifting herself off him as she moved off the bed.

"His temp has come down a bit over night but it's still much higher than we'd like. He'll have to stay in until it gets back to normal." He could hear Dr Hartley moving around the bed closer to him before feeling his stethoscope on his chest.

"I assumed we wouldn't be going anywhere for a while." Delilah responded, using his favourite word again.


"Austin, can you hear me?" Dr Hartley asked, sounding like he was hovering over his face. It felt like it took all of his energy but he finally managed to give him a small nod in response.

"Austin how are you feeling? Are you in pain?"

He nodded again slowly, trying to keep his eyes closed. His skin was burning, his head felt like it would explode with any wrong move and he was certain if he opened his eyes he was going to be sick.

"Okay, I'll get you something to help, any nausea?" Dr Hartley asked, Austin nodded again, another single, slow nod. "Okay, i'll get you something for that as well."

He heard Dr Hartley speaking quietly to someone, listing off some medications and asking about blood tests. His voice faded away when her hand landed gently on his forehead, everything else in the room disappearing from existence.

"Okay, i'll be back in a few hours to see how he's doing. Delilah please make use of our nurses if you need anything or if there's anyone you would like us to call."

"Thank you, I will."

The door clicked closed again leaving them alone in his room. He wanted to wake up, to open his eyes and be with her, but his body was fighting him. He managed to roll his head towards her while he floated somewhere between awake and asleep.

"You're burning again sweetheart, I'll be back in a second." She whispered to him before her hand was torn from his skin. He had no clue how long she was gone for, no concept of whether he was awake or dreaming. Suddenly her voice was in his ear, a cool, damp washcloth on his skin again.
"Laura will be back any minute with something to help with your fever."

"Water" he managed to mumble out, although he didn't think for a second she would understand what he was trying to ask for.

"Sure sweetheart, just little sips remember." Within seconds he felt a straw at his lips, the water was no longer cold, the ice had melted long ago, but it soothed his dry mouth a little.
After a few sips he pulled away a little, Delilah quickly moving the cup from his lips again.
"Go back to sleep honey, it's okay." Her lips on his forehead was the last thing he felt.


He woke to the sound of her voice again, she was speaking softly from the other side of the room.

"I'm at LAC... no I'm fine a friend isn't well. I was hoping you could grab a few things for me?... yeah an over night bag for me but could you also go and grab a couple of things for Austin? Some boxers, joggers, a couple of T shirts... perfect... Um... a little bigger... maybe a couple of changes just in case, and could you grab a spare toothbrush as well? You're amazing, thank you... Yeah I'll text you the room number. Thanks Jen."

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