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Social anxiety had been nothing new for her, she had famous parents and grew up in the spot light, that focus suddenly square on her after their passing. For work, it was something she could handle. She psyched herself up, the layer of make up applied working as the perfect mask to cover every one of her insecurities.

When she stepped out in work mode, she was on, she was a completely different person who could sweet talk and charm anyone. She radiated confidence and oozed class, the absolute definition of professional. She wasn't arrogant, she knew she did her job well.

Over the past year however things had started changing. He had changed everything for her. She had always been guarded, had learnt growing up in this world how to see the signs of people who actually cared and people who only cared for their benefit. She hadn't seen it in him though, he had gotten past her completely undetected and that had broken her to her core. Staff that had worked for her were no longer safe allies to her now, people who she thought she could trust, if only because it was their jobs.

No, social anxiety was nothing new for her, however recently it was becoming almost crippling.

Promo tours were her least favourite part of this job. She found it difficult being in groups of people, especially groups of people that she didn't know, so having to do press conferences and interviews were not her idea of a good time. This tour had been the most challenging that she could remember. She hadn't seen the other actors since they wrapped filming and despite her best intentions, she didn't have the energy to force herself into hanging out with them or to try to rebuild the relationships.

She had gotten through London and was on her last night in Paris, almost half way through the trip. She was returning from her last interview for the day, walking into the safety of the hotel lobby where she could finally unwind when she heard her name.

"Zac, hey, how are you?" She turned to see him walking towards her, arms outstretched as he pulled her in to a giant hug.

"I'm great, how are you?"

"I'm good, busy but good. What are you doing in Paris?" She had met Zac a handful of times at award shows and events. They weren't close friends that stayed in contact but after being away it was nice to see a friendly face.

"I've just been to St Tropez with my brother, heading back home tomorrow. I don't suppose you're free for dinner tonight by any chance are you? I have a project coming up, maybe I can tell you about it?

She went upstairs to get changed before meeting him in the lobby where he chauffeured her away to a fancy French restaurant. She chose to believe that this wasn't a deliberate choice based on the likelihood of paparazzi.

He had told her about the Ted Bundy project he had coming up and how they were still looking for a lead actress. They had discussed it for the duration of the entrees, concluding just before main arrived. He had made a couple of subtle moves, his foot bumping into hers, reaching over the table and grazing her hand, however she was relieved with how amicable the dinner had been so far.

"So Lila, I don't want to sound forward but are you seeing anyone at the moment?" The way he casually asked the question made her eyes shoot open in surprise. How does one go so instantly from Ted Bundy to dating?

"Um no, I'm not." She tried to answer casually, hiding how off guard he had caught her.

He sat nodding silently for a moment as he stabbed another piece of potato with his fork. She had a feeling he wasn't done here.

"I only ask" he finally started "because one of my friends mentioned that they had seen you recently out with some musician, wasn't sure if it was a date..."

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