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She felt terrible, she didn't mean to make him so uncomfortable. Sometimes it was easy for her to forget that he was almost as good at faking confidence as she was.

Her heart skipped a beat, the way he looked, the way he was looking at her, knowing that he was so nervous and yet had organised all of this for her.

Sometimes he came across intimidating but right now, like this, she would lay down in front of him to protect him.

His grip on her hand was tight as they walked to the door, she noticed the way he positioned himself slightly behind her as she opened it.

"Lila! Oh my god I've missed you so much!" Gia barged through, throwing her arms around her neck before anyone else had a chance to opened their mouths.

"Hi Gia, hi Brad." She said softly, patting Gia's arms in a half hearted attempt to comfort her.

"Hey Lila. Austin, how are ya?" Brad said sheepishly, remaining in the doorway, uncomfortably shuffling on his feet.

Her eyes flicked over to Austin as he remained silent, his eyes focused on Brad as he gave a small sharp nod.

She pulled out of Gia's arms again "Come in." She motioned for them to move further inside. Austin stayed in place, watching cautiously as Brad and Gia entered past him. She closed the door before returning beside him, kissing his bicep as she lead them in to the kitchen.

"Can I get you a drink?" She offered to Brad and Gia.

"Beer, thanks." Brad requested, his eyes still low. She was more than willing to let him wallow in his guilt for as long as possible.

"I'll have a rosé please." Gia said as she took a seat on one of the stools of the kitchen island.

Austin had swooped in behind her, grabbing out a beer and handing it to Brad and already pouring a glass for Gia. 

"You not drinking tonight Austin?" Gia asked as she watched him.

"He's still getting over pneumonia." Delilah snapped, not intending for so much aggression to be behind her words although watching Brad squirm with guilt again did bring some satisfaction. "Lets go sit before dinner arrives." Delilah gestured to the large couches as she began making her way over.

"You look fine to me..." Gia replied under her breath as Delilah and Austin passed her. Delilah's hand reaching out to grab his tightly, the feeling of his skin on her helping calm her a little.

"How are you feeling? You look pretty good again?" Brad asked Austin once they had sat down.

"Doing better than I was." Austin nodded.

"Did you catch it from that girl?" Brad asked, still looking guilty however with some smugness to his voice.  "She was a fuckin mess."

"I'd say that's a good guess..." Austin responded through gritted teeth, Delilah's hand coming to land on his thigh, hoping she might have the same calming effect on him again.

"Wait... what girl?" Gia asked with a giggle. "Christ you guys have been doing whatever this is for how fucking long and there's already another girl?"

"Whatever this is?" Delilah asked confused by Gia's words. "Why does us becoming friends bother you both so much?"

"Austin doesn't have female friends." Brad spat back quickly, keeping his eyes fixated on Austin as he spoke.

"Did you not hear my comments about him trying to fuck all of my bridesmaids?" Gia asked rolling her eyes.

She felt him tense beside her, taking a deep breath before leaning back further into the couch, his eyes planted on his feet. Her guilt was beginning to consume her for having placed him in this situation.

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