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"Fuck, I miss you already." Austin told her as he kissed her lips in the soft, gentle way only his could.

It was their last day in Utah before leaving for LA tonight, his follow up tests were booked for the morning. Rich had asked to spend the morning hunting with Mitch and Austin while Jodie had invited Delilah to spend the morning with her.

Part of her had wanted to be selfish and demand Austin spend the day in bed wrapped around her.  It was going to take some time for her to get used to the fact that splitting your time like this was part of the pay off of having a loving family.

"I'll miss you too, have fun and be careful."  She spoke between kisses, her hands cupping his rough stubble before releasing him from her grip.

Jodie stood beside her as they waved goodbye to the boys. Delilah could instantly feel the giddiness emitting from Jodie's face before she even turned to see her.

"What?" She asked, trying and failing to keep a straight face, feeling the heat rushing to her cheeks.

"Nothing... y'all just seem really good is all." Jodie smirked as she linked her arm around Delilah and dragged her back inside.

"We are, I think." She smiled as they walked into the kitchen.  "Does he um... does he speak to you much, about us I mean?" Delilah took a seat at the kitchen island as Jodie turned on the coffee machine and grabbed out two mugs.

"Bits and pieces... not a whole lot. Why's that?" She could tell from Jodie's tone that she knew more than she was letting on, that she was trying to honour Austin confidence and keep their conversations private.

"Could um... could I?" Her question slipped out before she could stop it, before her brain had caught up to realise how inappropriate her question might be.

Jodie was silent for a moment as she finished pouring their coffees before turning around and passing Delilah her mug with a soft smile. "Darlin you can talk to me about anything, that's the point of moms." 

Jodie flicked her head towards the couches in the living room and Delilah followed. She still felt a little uncertain if it was appropriate to confide in Jodie, however she had never had anyone refer to themselves as 'mom' in a way that was inviting her to treat them as such. 

They sat down on the couches opposite each other as Jodie put her coffee mug down on a coaster on the table between them. "What's on your mind love?"

"Has Austin told you about me? About my past?" Delilah asked, hoping that Jodie would understand what she meant without her having to articulate too much more out loud.

"He's told me little bits, he's mentioned that you haven't really had proper relationships in the past, is that what you mean?" Jodie's voice was warm and kind as she kept her attention firmly on Delilah.

"That's part of it yeah." She took a sip of her coffee as she tried to figure out how to phrase what she was wanting to ask. "Has he told you much about what happened at Easter?"

Jodie's hand covered hers, a warm gentle squeeze encouraging Delilah's eyes to meet hers. "Honey, we were there that night at your house. It's obvious you have some demons you're working through. But no, he hasn't gone into too much detail about what they are exactly."

"My ex employee... that's the demon I'm working through." She let out a deep shaky breath, deciding that would be a conversation for another time. "He's been great with all of it, I just get nervous. I saw how hurt he was at Easter, I'm scared I'm going to hurt him like that again."

"Delilah you and he seem to have come miles since Easter, it's obvious to Rich and I. Do you not feel it?"

"I do. I've been trying really hard to let him in more. It's kinda intimidating through, he's had these past relationships, long relationships..."

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