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She could do this.

She was getting better at it, she had made the decision that she would be better for him and was sticking by it.

Every part still intimidated her completely but the larger portion of her mind was becoming more and more convinced that she was actually doing well at this girlfriend thing so far.

She had been stuck on the plane, she had no where to go to escape the conversation, or him. But even that she had felt they had handled better than they both probably expected.

He was getting better at it as well though, it hadn't been lost on her the way he stopped talking and gave her her space without trying to force the issue. Even when they got home and she disappeared to her room, he had allowed her the space she needed.

She had her momentary freak out and gave into the voice in her head but it hadn't been anywhere near as convincing today. She knew, no matter what the dark side of her mind was telling her, that he would never push her further than she was able to go or expect more than she was able to give.

She felt safe with him. She felt safer with him than she did on her own. There had never been anyone in the world she could say that about.

It hadn't been a difficult decision for her, coming down the stairs she was more scared of the thought that she had scared him off than of him still being here. When she found him sitting on the bed she had been hit with a tsunami of relief. He didn't look angry or annoyed, he didn't even look flustered. He was simply allowing her her space, having enough faith in her that she would come back to him.

And the they were here, tangled on his bed together. She could feel him, hard and heavy resting against her, the slow rocking of his hips giving her the most subtle taste of what there was to come. And fuck it was delicious.

She wasn't there yet, she was getting better at this intimacy thing but by no means had she mastered it. But here, like this, still the protective barriers of their clothing between them, every aspect seemed so much less intimidating.

He was leaning over her, his forearms on either side of her as he worked his way along her jaw painfully slowly. His mouth on her was heaven, him kissing her was bliss and she was stuck trying to decide which one she needed more.

She was about to try and encourage him back to her lips, missing the taste of him, when he hit a particularly sensitive spot on her throat. Her breath hitched as her arms around him tightened, her hips rolled up instinctively to meet his.

She heard him let out a deep groan at the contact as his hips faltered slightly. She had never experienced feeling needy or desperate for someone before and it made her knees weak knowing he was suffering just the same.

She could feel the sweat beading on his back under her finger tips as he continued nipping at her throat. She needed something more from him, she needed to be able to taste him as well as feel his skin. Before she knew what she was doing her finger was in her mouth, her tongue savouring the salty taste of him.

"Did you..." His voice came in short huffs above her.

"Hmm?" She breathed out, trying to act like she had no clue what he was talking about.

"Christ, you're a weird little one baby." His words were serious and his pupils dilated as his rocking got a little bit deeper and a little faster.

"Shut up." She smirked, pulling his face to hers and kissing him deeply enough to earn another deep moan from him. She felt his hand slide around her back, resting on the curve of her ass as he manipulated her gently, arranging her in a better angle against him. She didn't have any control of the whimper that left her with his next thrust, her nails digging in to his skin as she gripped him.

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