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*Austin's POV*

He felt her shift in his arms before he registered the sound of his alarm. He held his eyes closed, desperately hoping that he was dreaming, that they could have at least a little longer in bed before having to re-enter reality.

He wasn't ready for today, whichever the outcome. He'd managed to avoid thinking about it for as long as he possibly could, a task made incredibly easy with the way she consumed his mind.

Her finger tips softly raked through his hair with featherlight touches as he nuzzled further into her, hiding his face in her neck. The smell of her skin, the feel of her against his lips, instantly took him back to last night.

He had barely opened his eyes when he realised she was gone and set off in search of her. He may as well have been sleep walking when he stumbled across her.

It had been innocent, he hadn't realised what he was starting when he sat down behind her. His body had taken over, testing her boundaries before he had a chance to stop himself. But she didn't have any.  Despite everything she had told him, she hadn't backed down from any of his affection.

He had been fucking scared when she pulled away, rising from the piano stool. He thought he'd pushed her too far, that his read on her had been completely wrong and she was about to retreat back into her shell. Instead, she turned around, granting him easier access.

He felt himself getting hard at the memory of the sweet taste of her neck, the goosebumps on her stomach under his fingertips. Fuck she had reacted to him so fucking quickly and he had savoured every involuntary response her body gave him, desperate to satisfy her.

The memory of her pushing her heat against him, the material soaking from her arousal had him rock hard, twitching in his boxers and fighting with every ounce of strength not to let his hand wander.

He didn't knew whether to be proud or furious at himself for the level of restraint he had shown. He was sure she was willing to go further but after what she had just told him, he knew that would have been a massive line for her to cross. He couldn't imagine anything being more soul destroying than a look of regret on her face for anything she'd indulged in with him.

He heard his alarm again, letting out a soft sigh at the thought of having to move from her arms. There was nothing more he wanted than to stay here, suffocating in her for as long as she'd let him.

"Austin" her soft voice sent chills through him.

"No" she laughed at his response, her right hand still raking through his hair as her left finger tips began tickling his back.

"I know, but..."

"No" he stopped her again, firmer than before, wrapping his arms around her lower back and pulling himself as tight into her as he could.

He felt her let out a heavy sigh, swore he heard her whisper something along the lines of "I'm sorry sweetheart" as she placed a kiss on the top of his head.

"Fine, but we're coming back here the second we're done." He spoke against her chest, still burying himself in her.



"Did you want me to drop you off while I go park?" She asked him as she entered the hospital car park.

She had seemed more anxious this morning than he was, fumbling and fidgeting since they got up. They had allowed themselves plenty of time before the appointment, stopping in to grab coffees on the way to the hospital.

"It's okay, we still have some time." He reassured her, reaching his hand over and placing it firmly on her bouncing thigh.

Within minutes they had managed to find a parking bay and made their way inside.

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